Saturday, July 21, 2012

[peshawar_University] updated good vs evil and religion


In religion, there is talk of good people

going to heaven, while evil people going to

hell. But, that is, after they die, and in their

afterlife. Whereas while people are still

alive, this sorting into two different places

does not yet occur. So that here on earth

while people are alive, good people and

evil people live together in the same place

here on earth, and are not separated from

each other into two separate places. One

then might think this religious idea of

separation into two separate places, one

good, and one bad; would have no

consequence, at least not amongst the

living. But what has occurred here is that

the concept of sorting into two separate

piles has been introduced, and indicates

that the days of allowing good and evil

things to be together, are numbered. Now

personally I would cheer and applaud

religion for introducing this concept of

separation and sorting whereby good and

evil things are separated from each other

and sorted from each other; because if done

correctly, such actions have the potential of

delivering great benefits to us, even here on

earth while we are alive.

Now then; religion doesn't wait until we are

dead to sort things and separate the good

from the evil; but does enact the concept of

separation and sorting here on earth among

we living people. Of course, at the level of

an individual human person, is the

exception, where some religions promise to

not sort human individuals until after they

die. But concerning other things; religion

proceeds full ahead to sort all sorts of

aspects of life and behaviors of the living

into good vs evil categories, and so does

robustly apply the concept of sorting to the

world of the living (with the exception of

not sorting the whole individual while they

are alive but only after death, concerning

the Christian religion).
We are considering the concept of that

which is good. And we are considering the

concept of that which is destructive. How

many things do we have? Some might

think there are 2 things; but actually there

are 3. Sometimes what we have before us

can be easily separated or sorted into that

which is good vs that which is destructive.

But other times, a thing cannot be

separated into good vs destructive, by us,

and even does both good and destruction in

the same action. So that we in reality have,

-the good, -the bad, -and the goodandbad;

which is 3 types of things, not 2.

Unfortunately for we who are human and

lack the power of God with the ability to

divide all things into good vs destructive

components; when we try to separate all

our human things here on earth while we

live into two separate piles of good vs evil

components; we do spoil that sorting or

separation action and make it of no

account, where it could have been a great

benefit for us. And the reason we spoil it is

because we try to sort our reality into black

and white: into two separate piles, when at

our level of ability, our reality is made of 3

distinct types of things -all good things,/

-human things which are a mixture of good

and destructive things,/ - and all destructive

things. And that what we should be doing

as humans, is to sort things not into two

separate piles, but into 3 separate piles, in

order to reap the benefits of these sorting

Realize that when we take a human action

(it still has both good and bad intertwined),

and sort it to either the all-bad side, or the

all-good side, that we have done an

inaccurate sort action, because we've just

added some good to the all-bad side, so it is

no longer all bad and so do feed that all bad:

or have added some bad to the all-good

side, corrupting it so it is no longer all

good, and may even burn down in a


So that when these people acting in

accordance with the two dimensional

sorting which has pervaded so much of

human life; come to you and ask you which

side you are on, concerning some criterion

of sorting that they have selected (such as

whether or not you attend church regularly;

or whether or not you feel Anthony Wiener

should step down) : what would be a good

thing to do, would be to prevent them from

enacting their 2 dimensional sorting, and

insist instead on a 3 dimensional sorting

which includes human entities as a third

pile; explaining to these people that you do

not categorize 2 dimensionally according to

this (or any) criterion, and that you do not

accept, or pander to, 2 dimensional

categorizations, but instead only use 3

dimensional ones. And one does then sort

their ineffective 2-d sorting action into the

same human pile that one sorts many of the

imperfect human things the 2-d sorting

action rails against.

So that when we apply our effective 3-d

sorting; we sort their ineffective 2-d

condemnation of Anthony into the

imperfect human pile, right along with the

imperfect Anthony himself; so that they are

at home, together with each other.x

In a full of life, good area, where all the

possibilities of life are tried and exist, there

would be no death, because, as one of the

possibilities, we would all be there, as well

as many other life forms.

And when Christ says 'no man comes to

the Father, but by me'; one can see that to

get to a full of life area, that one cannot

exclude anyone, especially not Christ, who

in a large part, stood for love and kindness

and helping the poor (qualities which are

needed to bring about and keep a good, full

of life area). But note that one cannot have

a full of life area by excluding anyone, not

even you or me.

Now, I don't claim to know how we will

come to this full of life area, and it may

very well be that Christ will be the one who

brings it to us. All I do know, is that we do

not get to this full of life area by excluding

or condemning anyone, including Christ.

Now then, we know that we are not yet part

of this full of life area and that we live in a

place that is less than that. Our existence is

not guaranteed like it is in a full of life

area. So much so, that our existence in our

area, is only transitory; so that we are not

even very real at all, in our own area. And

that our representation in a full of life area,

is more real than we are here in our area.

So that we should at times be thinking

what a full of life area would like, and align

with it, so that what we ourselves do here

may be more lasting. So that there are

things we may be fairly certain, won't be

part of this full of life area and will be a

waste of our precious little reality to

engage in them. Such things as absolutely

condemning people or hating people, are

not included in this full of life area, so that

we do well to discard them from our own

lives here in our area. There are of course,

things that aren't so absolute, that we

cannot determine for sure won't be of value

in helping us achieve this full of life area;

and these things we cannot apply this logic

to. But for those absolute things that do

apply; we can eliminate them from our

lives here in our area. Consider rejecting

the absolute reality of your present

imperfect human situation (like it will

reject you in your end as it snuffs your life

out after a lifetime), in favor of a full of life

area somewhere else outside of your

present reality.

Often in the areas of human hungers, it is a

no win situation where if we do satisfaction

of the hunger, one area benefits while

an other area suffers; but if we abstain,

then this other area benefits while the one

area suffers.

I would argue then that in these situations

the best way to go, is to do a medium or

middle doing of the hunger satisfaction so

that neither directive of either doing, or

abstaining from, the hunger satisfaction is

favored over the other, so that all areas

have something.

Now, this middle or medium level can be

achieved in different ways. One can

cycle about the medium level, by doing

full 'on' of the hunger satisfaction for a time

and then full 'off' for an equal time. And

the cycling frequency can be adjusted so

that one doesn't spend too long in either the

'on' or 'off' part of the cycle so that one is

not hindered excessively by the shortages

created in different areas due to the

unbalanced nature of this no win situation.

Another way to achieve the medium level,

is to do the hunger satisfaction at a constant

or non varying medium level that is mid

way between the full 'on' state and the full

'off' state. These two ways of achieving the

medium level each have their own

advantages and disadvantages. The cycling

on and off way allows one to go to higher

intensity in both 'on' and 'off' areas,

allowing more concentrated attention to

each individual area without being

hindered by the demands of the other areas.

But on the down side, one must work to

regulate this repeating on and off cycle, and

cannot rest or take one's attention off it.

Whereas with the non varying constant

medium level, one can just let it go and not

have to work at regulating it so much. xx

Note that another part of the human

condition is that we all die and are mortal;

-so that activities we would otherwise

consider as all good and evil free and above

the human condition; are part of the human

condition due to our mortality: and so our

response is to do these things at high

medium or cycling about high medium,

even though we would otherwise do them

at high and full on. Like, even if

what we did was all goodness, when we

died, that goodness would be destroyed and

the people depending on our goodness

would be harmed by our death. However,

if we were mean and cruel, then when we

died, that cruelty would be destroyed,

resulting in a benefit to those who would

otherwise suffer our cruelty. Now, we

should still make a distinction between

actions that are otherwise all good vs those

which have more imperfection and are

based on human hungers; by acting to keep

these somewhat separate from each other

(even though both are mortal actions).
At this point I want to interrupt in and place a few inserts that are repeated later in this work, here, so as to enlighten more quickly:
Start first insert:
We shall see that, putting human life at

medium level (not rich nor barren level), is

important to achieve.
At this point, let me expound upon the

concept of fearing one's own demise. It is

unknown what will become of our void

when we totally go to nothingness and exist

only as a void. But that is not where we are

at right now while we are alive. -To get to

that point of nothingness, we would have to

go through points of life at lower and lower

levels of ability, which traps that life in

barrenness where its forces don't separate.

While we are alive, we need to move away

from that nothingness, that is, away from

existence at a low level in barrenness

(which does approach the zero level of the

void of nothingness); and move instead,

towards a medium level existence: because

it is at medium level that our imperfect

human life does naturally separate into

more good vs more destructive. And we

can work with that to attempt the

generation of an all good entity.

This is what we can do as imperfect,

transient human lives. No matter how

much thoughts of how much you are

condemned may appear; this is the place to

be, and the response to take. So go and

pull parts of yourself and others that are

low and in barrenness, up and into medium

level, and center there for as long as your

life allows; as that is the centre for

imperfect human life to exist at, while it is

alive. And the parts that are more good

that separate off from this, can attempt to

form a more good entity which may then

generate human material of a next


This is irregardless of any religious or

societal condemnation or acceptance that

one may think they are under. This is the

choice to choose, and the stance to take,

because of who one is, as an imperfect,

transient human being. So that if one is

thrown into low levels as punishment for

their human imperfections, they should

reject that as their place, and fight against

Now, concerning a representation of a

deceased loved one that is part of you: it is

now at low and barren level, and needs

help shepherding back up to medium level.

You might try to do this, but sometimes

this can be so overwhelming that it

threatens to pull you down also into low

and barren level.

And then there are those parts of you

through the living of your own life, that

have utterly failed, and that trap the 'God

-spark' of life as your life in this long term

trap of being at low and barren level. And

this may even include if you fall so

extremely in love with someone, but they

don't or no longer want anything to do with


Now then; No matter how it happens, we as

imperfect humans can get caught by

overpowering destructions that bring us

low and trap us at low, unable to bring

ourselves up to medium. Even though we

choose to be at medium, we can find

ourselves unable to attain that; -trapped at a

low and barren level. And so, we might

think of asking for help from an entity

outside of us, as all our own high entity that

we had generated at previous medium level

human ruminations, has been defeated by

the overpowering destruction. But other

human life entities are struggling

themselves, and can't afford to help us lest

they themselves be brought down into our

fate that we ourselves are trying to change.

And high powered entities even as high as

God, are being Holy and separate from the

evils/destructions of the human earth, so

that they won't come down to help us at

this time while evil/overpowering

destruction is still alive and feeding. What

we need, is an entity with some of the high

power (even as high as God), who will

leave the protection of Holiness to come

down to us to help us and shepherd us.

Who could it be who will do this? And of

course, it is the name of the good shepherd,

Jesus Christ who comes to mind. But the

idea to give up and ask for outside help just

goes against the training and the

brainwashing that we are to value self

sufficiency and making it on our own

without outside help. But eventually we

realize the nature of our state of who we

are (that of imperfect human life, which has

a centre of being at medium level), so that

some of us do accept that outside help, and

are freed from our being trapped at low

level barrenness. So that the parts of us

that were trapped at low level, are then

freed up to medium level. But the parts

of us that weren't trapped at low level,

at medium level; don't need this help,

so that they miss out on this connection

with the wonderful Jesus Christ. But the

parts of us that were trapped at low level

and which called out for Jesus Christ; Do

have this connection with Christ. But then,

some may say, you are not your own

anymore, but now belong to Christ, and

from now on, need to follow what Christ

wants, not your own (human) desires. But

this is misleading because the parts of you

that accepted Christ, were on death's door

and were a total loss already, -already

written off as a total loss, so that the entity

they are now as they are joined to Christ; is

mostly Christ; so that they are going to do

what Jesus Christ wants, naturally, because

that is who they mainly are. And since

they are now at medium level, thanks to the

intervention by Jesus Christ, they soon

separate in their forces and join the all good

entity, so that they really don't have time to

change much in their composition. But; as

high part entities they may then generate

new human material. It is this new human

material that doesn't yet have a joint entity

with Christ.
And also; the other parts of you that aren't

trapped in low levels as such, don't need to

be shepherded back up to medium, so they

don't yet need to call for this union with

Now the thing about this joint union with

Christ, is that it isn't a thing to be taken

lightly. You see, with the power of God,

this joint entity very completely achieves a

medium level existence. And soon after, as

it ruminates there, its forces begin to

separate; so that the 'God-spark' of life that

was held there to give you life in this area,

does escape back up into the high power of

God, and is no longer trapped in this

suffering low level life that was you

trapped in this low level. And a lot of it

goes on to generate just in the high Godly

material, and never generates in the human

area again. So that you do a good thing by

freeing this Godly spark from no longer

suffering as you in this trapped situation.

However, because this God-spark is no

longer present in the human area; your life

no longer exists. You as a human entity do

die. And this is how one dies to oneself in

the human area. Now then, even though

this decision to form a joint entity with

Christ has caused this low part of you to

cease to exist due to the extreme separation

of the forces at enhanced medium provided

by the powerful Christ; not all of the good

that separated away was as powerful as the

God-spark that returned permanently up

into God. Some of the good that separates

away is lesser good. And it is this lesser

good that is unable to generate new

Godly material in its generatings, but does

generate human material instead. And it is

from this lesser good material that

regenerates a similar 'us' in a resurrection

type of way.

And since our other parts that did not

yet form this union with Christ, are still

present and alive in the human area; the

resurrected human material does join the

human material still there.
Then some may say that you can't join

Christ part way: that it is either all or

nothing. But I say that all who claim to be

completely one with Christ, are not

necessarily liars, but are inaccurate.

Because any human who joins completely

with Christ, would soon decompose and no

longer exist as a human entity. So that

since these people are still walking around

as alive human beings and satisfying

human desires; it is obvious that they

haven't completely joined with Christ.

That's right; there is no need for a roman

gladiator to dispatch us Christians, or a

roman emperor to order us crucified: the

mere act of joining completely with Christ,

soon ends whatever human life that does

this. (It is said that no human can see God,

and live.) So that as human life; if

we find our selves at medium levels; that is

where we should be; and we can realize that

that is where we should be and where we do

generate good. And if we humans are

able to recognize that this is where human

life should be; God is certainly also able to

discern this. So that even if we choose to

throw our whole selves at Christ to be

totally one with him: Christ may not allow

that as long as we are at medium level.

(This is Christ exercising his will to do

what he thinks is best, over what we may

will.) At medium level, we are where we

should be as human life, and do not need a

good shepherd to come in. But when parts

of our life do fall into traps of barrenness

and lowness: that is not where we should

be; and if unable to get out on our own, then

we Are in need of a good shepherd. And

when this trapped human life at low levels

asks for oneness with Christ, Christ then

does take in this life, and it does expire and

die to its human self (including one's asking

for Christ to come in). So just realize that

whatever part of your human life is here

alive at medium level; is life that is not

completely joined with Christ yet; (so if it

is still alive in human form, perhaps still

asking Christ to come in; then this is life

that Christ hasn't joined yet); and this

includes the new human life that

regenerated/resurrected from the material

that did completely join Christ.
Now in any case, when imperfect material

at medium does separate into all good vs all

destructive; not all separations are the

same, and sometimes a lesser all good is

generated, while at other times, a greater all

good is generated; so that there's a spread

in the all good generated from any given

medium level imperfect material. And the

greater, more powerful all good would

then generate more all good in its new

generatings, while the lesser all good,

would generate imperfect human material

in its new generatings. So that these joint

entities with Jesus Christ, will, in their

lesser parts, generate and fulfill all human

desires and hungers, in a good way (with

each segment having an all good segment

backing it up), for the glory of God. And

Jesus Christ is not someone who is against

a party, since he turned the water into

Oops; I'm having second thoughts about my

speculation that Christ only completely

joins our lowest parts. Perhaps Christ

might humor me and allow me to join just

my lowest parts in dire straits; but I now

feel this is an unwise choice, which causes

me to suffer unnecessarily. The new idea is,

that joining with Christ is not as lethal as I

made it out to be. I still think that there is a

death and a dying to ourselves as the part

that is in Christ's extreme medium

environment, does soon separate and

release the all good 'god spark' that is

within it, thus resulting in the 'death' of that

life in the human plane. But now I place

more emphasis on the Lesser good that also

separates; which does then generate

new Human material. It is this new human

material that is similar to (but not the exact

same specific material) that decomposed or

separated; that does replace the human life

that was lost; so that after a short delay, the

human area is just as active and alive as it

was before (just with new human material

that is continually being replaced). So let

us go through what I speculate happens to

our material that is above dire straits, that

has us doing some good and achieving

some degree of medium level environment.

If it too completely joins with Christ, then

Christ's extreme medium environment

causes it to soon expire in the human plane.

But it is also soon replaced, so that the

human plane is repopulated with a sort of

reincarnated/regenerated 'us'. So that now

we not only have a representation in the

human plane, but have lesser high material

in the godly plane that backs it up and

keeps continually regenerating it.

Now this brings back full force, the

argument that now that we belong to

Christ, we are no longer our own, and that

we must now lay aside our human desires

and ways. That not our will be done, but

Christ's will be done. And once again, I

say, that our will isn't done, because our

original representation has already expired

and died to itself (in Christ's extreme

medium environment). And that the

representation that is currently alive and

doing things in the human plane, IS that

which has come through Christ, and

therefore Christ's will is being done

(because it is Christ's will that imperfect

human material be done at medium level,

even though it contains imperfection).

But the idea is; what is actually Christ's

will, that we are supposed to do? I claim

what a shepherding entity, such as

Jesus Christ does, is to 3 d sort off and

away all the evil/destruction it is able

to sort off; but that with the human material

where it is unable to sort the good from the

destruction; it puts that material at extreme

medium level; which means it puts that

human material, -all good and bad parts of

it, to medium level, and lets it ruminate and

go. So that the human hungers which

contain both good and bad; we will be

doing at medium level, in moderation,

under Jesus' approval and direction, (even

though they are imperfect and do contain

some bad). These human hungers will be

done and completed involving us, but it

won't be under our control; as the human

material is in rapid flux between being

regenerated by lesser high parts, and soon

coming to Jesus' extreme medium

environment and expiring in the human

plane, to generate another full spectrum of

high good parts. So that the human material

which contains both good and bad, and

contains some bad, doesn't have much time

to accumulate any history before it is

processed up into the Jesus' shepherding

entity, washed clean of any bad, and

regenerated back to the human plane from

pure all good lesser high parts.

So, imperfect human mentality is not in

control, but that the all good is more in

control. So just let it go and complete its

cycle. So, claims that we are departing

from what Christ wants when we find our

newest parts imbibing in the human

hungers; I claim, are inaccurate and untrue.

(Our original human representation has

already died in the human plane; and that

whatever life now exists in the human

plane, is a regenerated representation that is

already through Christ; but that has yet to

be joined completely with Christ, but will

soon join completely with Christ, due to the

rapid flux that is occurring here.)
Oops; now I'm having second thoughts on

my second thoughts about Christ joining

every part of us. You see, when a human

part of us is joined completely in Christ,

the extreme and complete medium

environment (over every aspect and area),

causes that imperfect human part to soon

separate in its forces with the all-good

going up into God. And as previously

stated, that all-good then after a time, does

generate additional material. (Now, if that

all good was a greater all good, then it

generates more all good; but if that all good

was a lesser all good, (as in the separation

of the forces, a spectrum of all good is

generated, with some of the all good being

greater all good while some of the all good

being lesser all good) -if that all good was

lesser all good, then it generates more

Human material in its generatings.) And this

is how the flux (as previously described)

comes about. Now, the lesser all good that

generated this imperfect human material,

would generate it to be at medium level

as much as possible; but it may not be at

medium level in all respects, (as it would be

with Christ), since this is a lesser all good

that isn't quite as capable. So that the

newly generated human material may be

doing some good, and is not in total

barrenness, but it is not perfect. Now, even

though this human material is generating

some good, due to some of its areas being

at medium level, (and is not suffering in

total barrenness); our newest directive is to

join all material completely to Christ.

Now, if we join any newly generated

human material completely to Christ as

soon as possible, as soon as it is generated;

then it won't have had time to ruminate or

separate in its forces in its imperfect way at

all. So there will be no improvement

whatsoever in this human material over

how it was initially generated as human

material, (due to not having had any time

to ruminate). So that when this new human

material separates in its forces in the

extreme medium environment of Christ;

the good that separates off won't be any

improved over the lesser all good that

generated it; thus favoring the generation of

more lesser-all-good, and not favoring the

generation of greater all good, in the

spectrum of all good that separates off this

unimproved human material. With more

lesser all good around; it then generates

more new imperfect human material in it's

generatings. And if this newest human

material keeps being immediately joined

completely in Christ, then a snowballing

effect occurs where more and more human

material is generated. But the thing is:

high powers want to avoid generating a lot

of imperfect human material, but instead

want to generate more high material

instead, in their new generatings. So now I

see there is a place for imperfect human

material to ruminate as imperfectly or

partly brought to medium level, where it

generates some good and improvement,

as some separation of the forces occurs;

but without being joined completely to


So that once again, I feel that Christ does

join the lowest material that is in dire straits

that does need the help of a good shepherd;

but that he doesn't join completely, human

material that isn't in dire straits, that has

some medium level environment, even if

not complete, where some good is being

generated. And I feel he does this, so as to

allow this human material to improve and

accumulate goodness, in a way that mimics

the generation of all-good true godly parts,

but which aren't good enough to be true

godly parts, but are godly part wanna bees

which are still human; so that after a time

of rumination; he then does completely join

this improved human material; so that in

his extreme and complete medium level

environment; the spectrum of all good

which separates off, is more towards

greater all good, and not so much towards

lesser all good. (So that in the further

generatings done by this spectrum of all

good; that the generation of more imperfect

human material is not favored while the

generation of more all good Is favored.)

And this is especially emphasized due to

the material taken in at dire straits favoring

the generating of Human material in its

further generatings; so that the other

material has to go that much more in the

other direction of separating off more

greater all good, to make up for that. (So

that imperfect life in minor discomfort is

not easily taken in.) So that there is

definitely a large area of us that is left

without being joined completely in Christ,

to ruminate there; even if we chime in that

we choose to be joined completely in

Christ; Christ may exercise His will, and

not do it. But there is a silver lining. Our

imperfect but not in dire straits, human

material, doesn't ruminate in this imperfect

goodness forever; but after a time of

improvement Christ then does completely

join this improved material at our request,

in the end; and true godly parts (a greater

portion being greater, over lesser, godly

parts) are then separated off in Christ's

complete and perfect medium level

Like when we are doing a human hunger;

good parts may separate off before the

hunger is completed, especially if there is a

barrier to the completion of the hunger.

Then in the additional parts that this good

part generates in its further generatings, it

will generate parts which do deliver what

the original good parts lacked (in addition to

more of the same human parts); so that the

good parts which separate off from that,

will also have what the original good parts

lacked; and so eventually the human

hunger will be completed in both a human

plane and a good plane. And with no

human hunger being unsatisfied to distract

it, these good parts will be more suited to

generate greater (not lesser) all good true

godly parts when Christ joins them

completely in the end.
Now; if one's human area starts to become

excessively rich due to successful

ruminations, so that this threatens the

medium level of these human parts; then in

this case, Christ may come in periodically

and receive some of this excess material to

bring one's human area back to medium,

(periodically) at our request before any

final end. -Otherwise that richness would

spoil the human area by bringing it above

medium level, (thus making doing of good

actions more difficult, by making the input

of doing good (that is, voids), to be in short


So now then: since it is only our parts in

dire straits (and also excess richness),

which are presently joined completely in

Christ; it is only them that you can expect

to no longer respond to human desires.

And they have already died to the human

plane and are already transformed into

godly parts and are already doing what

Christ wills. It is the rest of us that's not in

dire straits, that isn't yet completely joined

in Christ, that you cannot expect this from.

-That you can expect just imperfect

human stuff from; as it has not yet joined

completely with Christ (until the end).
Now then. When fighting against an

overpowering destruction, I have proposed

the generation of rich and high powered

human parts to fight against an

overpowering destruction. But when not

fighting; not only had I proposed against

generating rich and high powered human

parts; but that when human parts start to

become rich, they need to be absorbed by

Christ; otherwise their richness would just

become corrupted and destroyed down by

the badness which is one part of human

But now, perhaps before one generates high

rich human parts to fight against the rich

power of an overpowering destruction; that

one may first attempt to send the richness

of the power of the overpowering

destruction up into Christ, so that the

richness is gone, and therefore the

destruction will no longer be overpowering.

If one can successfully do this, then they

won't need to generate high powered

human parts to fight against the

overpowering destruction. So one could try

this first; especially with the representations

of an overpowering destruction that are

within oneself; where the overpowering

destruction has carved out representations

within oneself.
(Just remember that when any material that

is getting too rich is fed up into Christ, that

although Christ does take in this material,

that he doesn't take in all of this material,

but instead leaves some of this same

material behind as unjoined, so as to

maintain medium ability, so as not to throw

this area into barrenness.)(However, in the

dire straits situation, Christ doesn't leave

anything behind, but takes it all into

himself for processing.)
And before I finish here, I just want to

reiterate that we should not allow people to

fall into barrenness and be destroyed if we

can help it, since we will just have to work

that much harder to make up for all the new

imperfect human stuff that will be

generated after Christ rescues that material

in dire straits and transforms it into low

level godly material.

Now then: Take a look at your own

individual human life. You realize don't

you, that you don't have much. You live

for awhile and have a life and experiences;

but before too long, you start to get old,

and then you die and are no more. To see

how fleeting your human life is, just take a

look at the previous generation that has

already passed, and see what is left of

them. They all had lives just as valid and

intense as yours is now, but what is left of

them now? Some were rich and powerful

and others made great scientific advances,

and don't forget the great literary works and

songs; but many just lived their lives in

mediocre jobs. But all that is mostly gone

now. So that it can be questioned how 'real'

are we at all? 'All I have to do is live and

die, but I'm in a hurry and don't know why.'

And with current human life being so

fleeting, why is there such an emphasis on

doing things a certain way, over and over

again? Why is it so important that we do

things in one way or another that is dictated

to us? Why should anybody care? I mean,

we're all just going to eventually die, and it

will all come to mostly nothing. Why

should it be so important that we have a

strong work ethic, and that men and women

should behave morally, and why should we

respect money, and it be so important for

those who have money, to have things done

just the way they insist on having them

done? What does it really matter? (Of

course, we do pass along these traits to the

next generation, and thus do keep these

things alive, even if we, and our

observance of these traits do/does pass

away for our generation.)

What would seem more logical, would be to

have no dictated path, but to do many things

and try out many different possibilities.

Because to absolutely insist on just one

way, does eliminate all the other

possibilities, and prevents us from

attempting change out of the pitiful state

we are in, of not having anything matter

(but the present generation)* in the end.

*except in those infrequent present

generations which find themselves mostly

wiped out by some disaster, so that all the

knowledge many prior generations had

invested in this present generation would

be lost; thus starting this meaningless cycle

all over again (until it breaks out of its

cycle of absolute rules over transient, non

absolute, and barely real life forms).
But do not be deceived by the barren

environment. Yes, it is one of the

possibilities, but it isn't the only possibility.

When all the possibilities are tried, in a

place that is full of life (unlike this present

barren environment) you will be there

somewhere among them all. So that your

death, which is the absence of you; will not

exist; because 'you', as one of the

possibilities, will always exist; somewhere,

out there, in areas full of life more so than

in the barren areas where there is no life.

So do not let the barrenness of an area fool

you into thinking that death has any power

outside of the barrenness possibility,

because in the areas filled full of all

the possibilities of life; death doesn't even

exist at all.

Now then: some in the atheist groups have

put forth the belief that there is no God, and

that Jesus Christ has no power, and that he

is like all other dead men, -gone and now

powerless. And logically, there is not much

difference in the outward appearance of the

two belief systems. Like, God is Holy, so

that He stays away from our corrupt human

life; so He isn't around for us to see or

experience Him; so this is very similar to

the other possibility that He doesn't

actually exist at all. And then there is my

finding, that a large part of us needs to

ruminate by itself without being joined

completely with Jesus: that this is very

similar to the possibility that Jesus is not

there at all anymore. And of course, this

theme is also put forth in the Bible, where

Jesus has gone away for a time, and is at

the right hand of God (who is removed

from humankind; whom we cannot see);

but will come again some day in power.

The possibility that Jesus will come back

in power in a second coming; is very

similar to the possibility that Jesus no

longer exists anymore at all, just like the

rest of us humans who have died. (That is,

during the time we await his return.)

So, because I am not able to absolutely

prove which possibility is true; I do humor

the possibility of the atheist here now. For

the sake of covering all the possibilities, I

now consider my response in a Godless

world. What I do know for sure that Exists,

is we imperfect humans; and that I have

shown that we should seek a medium

environment. And as our forces separate in

this Medium environment; the parts of us

that are more good, begin to generate an

environment of excessive richness, which

would need to be removed up into

Jesus. But now since we are considering

the possibility that there is no longer any

Jesus, it is still easy enough to just let these

more good parts of us be 3 d sorted away

from us, so that they remove themselves

from us into a richer place, that is away

from our less perfect human self. And

we can form a lesser powered shepherding

entity that does all the functions that we

would want Jesus to do. However; with

this lower powered shepherding entity,

would arise times when overpowering

destructions could overpower it, and bring

us into low and barren levels, where we

don't want to be. In this case, what do we


Recall that I had said before, that our higher

parts should generate high powered human

parts when fighting against an

overpowering destruction, (and then break

off their attack after all was brought to

medium level)? Well, in this case without

Jesus, we might find ourselves trapped at

low levels, and overpowered, so that we

would be unable to generate anything

high powered to go up against the

overpowering destruction. Before, we had

depended on Jesus to rescue these parts of

us that were trapped in low and barren

levels. But now, without Jesus; what do we

do? Well, what these low parts can do, in

a possibility without Jesus, is to go up

against, and attack the overpowering

destruction anyway. Now, this will be a

suicide mission, and they will be totally

destroyed as a result. But the natural law

that destruction eats power, still applies

even in a possibility without Jesus; and the

overpowering destruction will have its

power lowered from overpowering (ie high

power), down to medium level, anyway, as

a result.

And so the choice by the life in lowness and

barrenness to attack, will have resulted in a

Medium level environment; which is just

the productive environment all human life

needs; which will result in great good

(separating off from that). However, this

low and barren life, unlike in the Jesus

possibility, won't be around to enjoy this,

because it will have been totally destroyed

and no longer exist, also as a result of its

choice. So we have a choice for this low

level life to make: either to continue

existing as low level life; or to cease to

exist at all because they were totally

destroyed when they attacked an

overpowering destruction. ('To be, or not to

be; that is a question').

But let me expound upon this low level life

that has become trapped at low levels and

barrenness. Being imperfect human life

trapped in a low level and barren

environment; prevents the 2 forces from

separating, and keeps this imperfect

human life as it is, as imperfect, and doesn't

allow change out of this imperfect

condition. However, human life is fleeting,

and its hold on being real, is tentative at

best. Still, being trapped at low levels

causes the human life there to be preserved

and to not change, thus fooling it into

thinking it will be around for a long time.

These low levels do fool the human life

there that they are more real than they

actually are, because of the trapping nature

of the low levels that traps the two forces of

good vs bad, together with each other, for

long periods of time. So that not only does

the human life trapped there at low level

barrenness, feel like it is more real and

permanent that it actually is: it emphasizes

that this realness and permanence is that of

permanent unpleasantness and torment.

But when this low level life goes up against

an overpowering destruction and is totally

destroyed; that's different than being at low

levels. The void that once was the low

level human life, feels nothing and is no

longer tortured, and can pass enormous

passages of time in a twinkling and not feel

it. And the reality that its life is one of the

(albeit many) possibilities that life forms

can take; means that it can be recreated

elsewhere (in areas full of life) at any time,

and that that cannot be destroyed; is a truth

that does exist even in the possibility

without Jesus and the traditional God, as

well as in the possibility with Jesus and

God. So that the wise choice for human

life trapped in low levels and barrenness, is

to rise up against overpowering

destructions in a suicide run, knowing they

will have set things in motion towards their

eventual reincarnation, which will feel like

the twinkling of an eye for them.
Now then, if the Jesus possibility Is

available, then a low level life should take

that; because even though as a void, it

wouldn't feel the passage of vast amounts

of time; The other parts it came from which

weren't at low levels, will miss it and be

dragged lower by its absence, if it is killed

off. So that low level life should try Jesus

first; but if that doesn't work out due to

unavailability of Jesus for some reason or

other; then they do have this backup

plan, which is not as good, but still seems

workable. So that one as imperfect human

life is not thrown into total barrenness even

if one's religion rejects or condemns or

forsakes one as imperfect human life; but

instead can find this (albeit imperfect)

medium level existence, which is what

human life needs. And religions do have a

habit of condemning, rejecting and

forsaking some of us, especially when we

don't conform to their dictates. Even Jesus

is reported to have experienced a forsaking

by his God, as He hang dieing on his cross,

when he cried 'My God, why hast thou

forsaken me?' So that this realization that

we are immortal (due to the fact that in

areas full of life, we* are one of the

possibilities (that has been proven to be

possible due to our own existence); and

that we can be regenerated there at any

time *(this even includes Jesus Christ

himself)); so that we no longer accept the

fate of having our imperfect human life

being put into low levels and barrenness as

a result of any religious or other

condemnation, as we reject that as our

place; and we instead take initiative to

change that.
At this point I have an emergency insert that
I want to interrupt here:

It seems that in Jerusalem, an osuary has

been found that may contain the bones of

Jesus Christ. Since the main tenant of the

Christian religion, is the literal resurrection

of Jesus Christ, one might think that Christ

did not actually get resurrected. And this is

now more than ever, one of the

possibilities. But what supersedes this, is

the concept of an area that is packed so full

of life, where all the possibilities of life,

that carbon and even silicon atoms can be

arranged in, exist and is tried out. We have

some life here on this earth, but we don't

have this possibility of super richness of

life. (And the reason why we don't, is

because we haven't effectively dealt with

the factor of destruction and


But just because we don't have this

possibility doesn't mean it doesn't exist

someplace else. But of course, it is also

possible that it doesn't exist someplace else,

since we don't have it here. But even if this

is the case, it is still possible that it could

be generated in the future; and if this is the

case, then we here on earth would be good

candidates to generate it, since we do have

some life that is pretty complex and

intelligent. But we can't absolutely

assume this is the case, because it is still

also possible this full of life area does exist

somewhere away from us. And if this is

the case, then it's also possible that Jesus

Christ actually did resurrect. If the shroud

of Turin is actually Christ's burial shroud, it

does show evidence of some radiation

imprint. So that it is possible that the life

essence of Christ transferred to a new body

(provided by this full of life area), leaving

his old body behind. But it is also very

equally possible that there was no actual,

literal resurrection at all, and that this full

of life area does not exist yet. And that the

shroud of Turin was just a fake created by

Leonardo Davinci, according to some

conspiracy theorists; or was just a result of

off gases from christ's decomposing body,

according to some scientist.
And then there is the consideration that

even if this full of life area does exist, that

they may have some non interference

directive whereby we must develop our

own full of life area ourselves./ But what is

known more certainly, is that while Jesus

was alive, He did possess extraordinary

spiritual powers of healing and ability to do

miracles. And if Christ did not actually

resurrect, then how did the Christian

religion get so big under the roman empire

with so much persecution, after his death?

The early accounts of people, including

doubting Thomas, seeing a resurrected

Christ (in his new body); is a good reason

of how that could have happened. And the

fact that Christ doesn't show himself

around here anymore, can still be

legitimately explained by the directive that

this full of life area needs to be holy, needs

to avoid destructiveness to preserve their

rich, full of life status. Of course, it is also

equally possible, now more than ever, that

none of this is actually the case, and that

Christ is gone just like the rest of us who

pass, are gone. What can no longer be

expected of us is to have us absolutely

assert that Christ literally resurrected;

because we are just not powerful enough in

knowledge to know that for sure. And like

a thief in the night, Christ has just stolen

our absolute religion from us. We must

now think for ourselves, and can no longer

just have 'the truth' dictated into us and

programmed into us for us to mindlessly

recite./ However, the writings which I

present to you here, Are based on thinking

and reasoning. So that if it is the case that

Christ is nothing special: the concepts I

have been espousing, are still just as valid;

and all that needs changing, is to replace

'Christ', with a Christlike entity that needs

to be generated./ And since the realization

that we are truly immortal in the sense that

we are just one of the possibilities that

carbon atoms can be arranged as; and that

we can be recreated again and again: does

exist with or without Christ; then we need

not despair at Christ not providing this for

us. I hope that He does, but if not,

someone else, or some other society, will.

Now, what might be the response of others

to this finding of Christ's bones, is that they

may extract DNA from them, and then

clone him. And from this, a powerful

leader could be created, who could act as

the Antichrist as depicted in the Bible. It

could be that the end of the world is

actually near.

And although it is inconvenient for

us, and then for those around us, to die and

then be reincarnated elsewhere; we no

longer accept a prolonged existence in low

level barrenness as our place as imperfect

human life; and are no longer fooled by

these low levels/barrenness that our

existence there is more real or more

permanent than our fleeting existence is

anywhere else.
(Note this suicide attack against

overpowering destruction: Is in addition

to the attacks our human side does unto

overpowering destructions in order to allow

Jesus to come in, (where before, Jesus had

been blocked by that overpowering

destruction and was unable to come in).)
Now, of course, when not considering the

low level example; there is also the

medium level possibility. Human life at

medium level, doesn't want to go up

against and fight any overpowering

destruction; in either the Jesus, or the non

Jesus possibility.
Now; I have indicated that Christ leaves

behind some of the rich material we do

give to him, so as to maintain medium level

in our human side. But it would seem after

some point of our advancement, that He

might take all of us into himself in a final

end; since we had by that point, advanced

above low level life; (because the high parts

generated by our being fed into Christ

would be of adequate high power so as not

to generate too much new human stuff in

their further generatings). However; Christ

has a problem with the low levels that He

rescues. Sure, as a good shepherd; these

low levels need His help; but when He

rescues them, they are transformed into

mostly low level high godly parts which do

generate an excessive amount of new

human material in their new generatings.

So that instead of a suicide run; or instead

of Christ rescuing these low level human

materials; I propose that a high powered,

but lesser than Christ; human material,

rescue these low parts instead. This high

powered human material would have a

large spread of medium levels (but not as

large of a spread as Christ) to put these low

parts into: so that what these low parts

would transform into, wouldn't be low level

godly parts, (but lesser than that):

they would be medium level Human

parts (which is still 'up' from the low level

human parts they started out as). And this

would solve the problem, since the low

level human parts would now be out of

their low levels; now at medium level;

where they would commence a successful

medium level rumination as human


Now, where this high level human material

at medium would come from, would be

from the advanced human material that

the high Christ left behind (to maintain

medium level), after rich human material

asked to be fed up into Him. Thus

eliminating the need for any 'final end' for

the whole of life that was starting to get

too advanced. 'And we're climbing a

stairway to heaven.'

To rehash: when a human life trapped in

low level barrenness called out for Christ's

rescue, Christ would take all this material,

and instead of taking it into His high self;

would put it into His lower self(made

from the left behind rich material). Thus,

what transformed from this low human

material, would be medium human

material, (instead of low Godly material).

The medium human material would then

be free to successfully ruminate as human

material. Only when it has achieved

richness as a result of richness separating

off in that rumination; would (a large

portion of) that material then be joined to

the high Christ, to expire in its human

plane; to then join the godly parts (with a

greater portion being high godly parts, and

not so much being low godly parts).
When barren human material asks Christ for

a rescue; Christ then orders it joined to the

high level human material He has left

behind, (still in the human realm). When

the Barren human material joins with the

high level human material, the high level

human material then gives its excess

richness (that is always generating from it)

to this barren material, instead of giving it

to Christ: so that this barren human

material is transformed into medium

human material, in a weak transformation.

The consideration of further generating new

human material isn't a concern, because

medium human material isn't able to

generate excessive amounts of new

material, (like Godly parts are).

-And I say, a 'weak' transformation, because

if the barren human material becomes a

joint entity with the left over high level

human material; the rumination of that joint

entity, doesn't cause what used to be the

barren human material to decompose into

godly parts by releasing the 'god spark';

but that it remains in the human area and

continues on as part of this joint entity with

the high-level-left-behind-human-material;

(which is Christ's lower part). (Now, as

these human materials continue to

ruminate: -after bringing barren parts up to

medium, they go on to generate richness;

the excess of which, Christ does take in;

which in a strong transformation, is

transformed into Godly parts, releasing the

'God spark', so as to no longer live in the

human realm. So that here, eventually, a

part of the once barren human part, does

make it to high godly parts (but of course,

not all, as some is still left behind to carry

on in the human realm as high,left over,

human material, which is Christ's lower


(Note that Christ doesn't deliver the


unto MEDIUM-level-human-material for

rescue, but passes over that; because doing

so would just drag down the medium human

material lower, below medium, (thus

stopping the separation of it's forces). Thus

the medium level human material is free of

this concern.

-Christ only delivers this rescue material to

high level human parts which would

otherwise generate excess richness,

(that would need to be fed up into Him).)

-(And when enough low rescue material has

been delivered to some high level material

so the overall output is on average, of

medium level; then this high entity is also

passed over for additional rescue material

being assigned to it.)

Also remember that in New material which

is just starting out and therefore isn't

generating excess richness; that Christ

doesn't take in this material; unlike the

Older material that Is generating excess

richness, which He does take in (part of).

(So the new material is also free of this

concern (until it begins to generate excess

Now then; I am having second thoughts

about the suicide run as a viable plan. I

now think it's not workable by itself. It

may be good for bringing down a rich area

to medium; but it doesn't end there. Since

we're all connected, in a fabric like type of

arrangement, the act of one part dying,

brings us all down. That may be a positive

thing if it brings down a rich part to

medium; but it also simultaneously brings

down surrounding medium parts into low

level. So that this would encourage another

round of suicide of this new low level; and

it would never stop until all parts had

committed suicide. So, by itself, the

suicide way is an unworkable plan. A little

bit of a suicide run may be ok to facilitate

something that can't be achieved any other

way; but then some other plan needs to take

over after that. What is a better plan, is the

way of the would be rich parts, to rescue

the low parts. You see, life at Medium

level naturally separates in its forces, and

generates more good, (and also more

destructive things) in its place. (And this

occurs in the Jesus possibility as well as the

no Jesus possibility.) (The all destructive

things generated, do self consume), but the

all good things live and build up richness.

Usually, the all good things separate off to

a better place; but before they do, they can

rescue the existing low level life and bring

it up to medium; (while passing over, and

going around, the existing medium level

life and not involving it in such rescue).

This is the plan that works. Once the low

level life is rescued and brought to

medium, there is no life suffering at low

levels. Problem solved. So that in

response to an overpowering destruction,

we not only attempt to send its richness up

into Christ, but also with the high human

parts here on earth, do rescue the parts

brought to low level and suffering, but not

completely destroyed; up to medium level;

when destruction has brought them low.

So that these exhortations to throw the

young teenager out into the cold and low

and barren levels, so as to teach them

responsibility, and for them to find their

own way in the world, in a 'tough love' type

of way; are fine if that teenager is totally

evil and has no good whatsoever within


However, if that teenager is only an

imperfect human, with some good, as well

as some bad; then this is not what we as a

society should be prescribing upon them;

but instead, as rich and established adults,

should be delivering our resources to those

who are at low and barren levels, to move

them to medium levels; even if they are

imperfect, and do have some badness (as

well as goodness) to them; including our

own offspring. Now, you may not accept

this; and even a majority of you and your

associates may shut up your bowels of

compassion against a poor (imperfect and

human) person. But all it takes is one

bleeding heart liberal to give a handout to

this poor person, to bring them up out of

the low levels and into medium levels, to

put an abrupt end to the manipulations of

this whole group; as this person is no

longer suffering in low levels, and is no

longer fooled by the low levels into taking

any of this seriously, to be any more real

than the fleeting life we all live. 'Don't

worry, be happy.'

And now to apply this to the reproductive

drive area. In present society, men and

women may be attracted to each other, but

only a person and their spouse are allowed

to satisfy that attraction. That leaves all

other attractions unsatisfied, at low and

barren levels. So that for the most part,

men and women do not satisfy their

attractions for each other. And even in the

marriage; the richness of satisfying that

human desire that occurs here (unlike the

poverty of unsatisfaction of this

everywhere else); is also not helpful with

this imperfect human thing that needs a

medium level. (Even if one wanted to, they

would be unable to physically satisfy all

the possible attractions that exist); but with

the way of only with one's significant other,

being allowed to satisfy that attraction, in

place; there is a majority of unsatisfaction

of these desires. My point is, that there is

a lot more dissatisfaction in this area

generated, than satisfaction; so that one

needs to use the plan of rescuing this low

level life, because there is lots of low level

life generated in this area.

There is a lot of pain out there, and our

rich parts need to act to rescue and suck up

all the dissatisfied parts of us, to be at

medium, (before they ruminate further to

generate more all good, and deliver that

excess richness to better places). And

whatever small amount of medium level

Satisfaction of the reproductive drive that

does occur; is just a minor happening and

consideration compared to the large

quantities of dissatisfaction that are also

being produced around this area.

And once all the dissatisfaction and low

level life has been sucked up and removed

to medium level life; then this forgettable

part of our current human way will no

longer have any power to fool us into

thinking it is any more real than any of the

other very fleeting and transient parts of

human life that temporarily exist. And its

importance that it must absolutely be done

this way, will decline greatly.

So that the motivational structure which

depends upon the use of threatening to put

one into low levels if they don't obey;

will become non workable. -Who's going to

obey the boss, if they can't hurt you? And

so, a new system of doing things, based

much less on pain and how much they can

hurt you, will be come to develop, because

you cannot be hurt so much anymore.

Now then; let me restate that in the

reproductive drive area, there is a

tremendous amount of dissatisfaction and

trapping of life parts at low levels, being

generated. Once we realize this, we can

make it a bonanza for us. You see, we as

imperfect human life, have an imperfect

center where we generate all of our

activity. As our action gets older, it gives

most of its richness away to Christ, and just

maintains a medium activity level. But

with all this low level life out there needing

rescuing, it can instead, go into high

generation mode and keep all the richness

it generates, so as to share it with the low

material needing rescuing, which will then

ruminate to generate richness, of which the

excess of will be given to Christ. (Of

course, one can instead, just keep excess

richness; but that is a dead end since

it just becomes corrupted by the evil in the

human area and burns down.) But my point

is, that with all this low level life being

generated from the dissatisfaction and poor

performance of the reproductive drive area;

that this is a great opportunity for us to act

as rescuer, and bring all this low level life

up to medium; which gives us and our

imperfect center of generating our activity,

a chance to generate albeit temporary

richness which won't be corrupted, which

we use to rescue all this low material.

Now, eventually, we will run out of

material to rescue, at which point our

imperfect activity generating center will

gear back down to only keeping medium

activity (and delivering the excess to

Christ); but until then, it sure makes a good

run. And when the occasional hot member

of the attracted sex does come along in a

sexually satisfying way; that does stop our

main thrust of helping low material in this

one instance; but we are able to participate

in this distraction; and then return to our

main thrust, when finished. (Or we can try

mixing it up together.)

Now then, some retro:
But before I leave you to this retro writing, I

wish to summarize it. It is my previous

attempts at solving the above problems. In

it, I had come up with the idea of having

high, or godly parts continually generate

replacement human material, to replace

what destruction had destroyed; and also

the idea that these high or godly parts

would generate high level human material

to fight against overpowering destruction

until both were destroyed down to medium

level: thus taking advantage of the concept

that destruction universally destroys power,

even the power of the overpowering

destruction itself.

A drawback of the idea for high godly parts

to keep regenerating the human parts that

are destroyed, is that the force of

destruction is fed. But in the current plan of

just rescuing whatever low level suffering

human life is generated; what destruction

does destroy, is not replaced, and so the

destructive force is not fed.

And then in the plan of generating rich

human parts to fight against the

overpowering destruction, this does stop a

prolonged feeding of the destructive force,

as once it causes everything to be at

medium level, then the attacking human

part, then switches course to avoid further

fighting. So this would seem to work out,

and be an alternative plan to the current

plan. In this plan, the generation of low

level suffering human material is avoided,

or is tried to be avoided, since the fighting

human material (once at high level and

richness), which is now at medium level;

does switch course and now avoids further

fighting and destruction, thus tries to

maintain medium level. But the point I

have been missing, is what happens at

medium level as the forces separate. When

human material separates in its forces at

Medium level, parts that are more good, do

separate and get away from parts that are

more destructive. Previously I have been

considering the fate of the good parts, and

assuming the destructive parts would just

self consume. But now I consider that

some of the separations that occur here are

imperfect and incomplete separations,

where a more bad and more destructive

entity is generated, but that it is not totally

all destructive, and that it still contains

some good. This has an uncanny similarity

to the position of human material being

overcome by an overpowering destruction.

So that these situations of human material

being decimated by an overpowering

destruction; and low level suffering human

material needing rescue; are just

byproducts of imperfect separations that

occur in human material ruminating at

Medium level, and that this is what is left

after the good parts have separated away

and left, leaving the bad parts. So that the

better parts which have just separated

away, don't want to form a joint entity with

these bad parts that they have just gotten

away from, due to a directive requiring

them to help suffering low human parts:

because that would just feed the destructive

force that they had just gotten away from

and were trying to let self consume. So,

the idea the generation of low level

suffering human parts can be avoided by

high level attacking human material

breaking off its attack and avoiding attack

after it is brought to medium from its

fighting; is in error, because low level

suffering human parts will always be

generated by the natural separation of the

forces that does occur in human material at

Medium -(with the suffering human

material being part of what is left behind in

the bad part of the imperfect separations

that occur here all the time).

But since the bad parts from these

separations occurring here, are loaded with

overwhelming destruction (at least in the

eyes of the small amount of suffering

human material they trap), and are

composed mainly of destruction, (where

the force of destruction mainly is); then this

is not a place where the good forces want

to help out or be a part of, since that would

just feed this destructive force and prevent

it from self consuming and burning itself

out completely. So that my current plan of

helping the suffering low level human

material is in jeopardy as being

unworkable. But this other plan, to send

high level human material to fight against/

attack an overwhelming/overpowering

destruction (which is what the bad side of

the separations generating from Medium

level human material, are);

IS a workable plan. Even though this plan

doesn't avoid generating low level

suffering human material (in the grasp of

overpowering destruction); it IS the

solution to this presence of this low level

suffering human material in the grasp of

overpowering destruction. So that before

rich parts (which separate off from human

material at medium), do deliver resources to

the poor suffering human material, so as to

rescue it: these rich parts need to send

resources to attack the overpowering

destructions that often surround poor

suffering low level human material. And

once that overpowering destruction has

burned down to not-so-overpowering; then

they can come in and rescue the poor low

level human material in my most recent

plan. And this will be a recurring theme

because as a result of human material being

at medium; the forces do separate; and in

the bad side of those separations, suffering

human material is often trapped in these

bad sides due to imperfect and incomplete

separations that occur here.
Ok then: let me go over my latest plan. First

realize that when imperfect human material

ruminates at medium levels, that a

separation of its forces occurs; which

generates an improved good side which has

escaped at least some of its badness. So

that a good side appears which begins to

generate excess richness. (And this occurs

in both the godless, and godly possibility.)

(But that when human material separates

(in its forces) inside of imperfectly crafted

medium environments, that are not so all

encompassing like the one which Christ

provides; then an imperfect separation is

more likely to result, which results in the

generation of a bad side which has trapped

in it, some residual good. And that from

the perspective of that residual good: it is a

small thing in the grasp of an

overwhelming and overpowering

destruction. Now, not all poor and

suffering human entities at low level, are as

such; but due to the natural separations

which occur with human materials in

imperfect medium environments; many of

them are. So that the last thing a good side

that just separated from a bad side wants

to do, is to rejoin that bad side in helping

this residual good. First all the evil must be

dealt with. Now, if it were just all evil,

then it would be ok to let it sit and self

consume, needing no action from the good

side. But with some residual good left

trapped in this bad side, rescue action is

warranted. So, what the plan is, is this: The

imperfect good side, first, sits and

ruminates in its goodness. Doing this

generates richness and a buildup of

resources, since they are no longer

consumed by the bad side which it just

separated from. The good side then divides

into two halves, both of which are rich.

One half then takes on the bad side, while

for the time being, the other half hangs

back. The half which takes on the bad side,

does so not by forming a joint entity with

the residual good of the bad side, but only

by delivering resources to it. And this is to

avoid contamination from all the evil of

that bad side. And the delivery of

resources to this residual good, is done not

to bring it up from low levels unto medium

level, (at first); but only to maintain it at

low level; -preventing it from being totally

destroyed. Additionally, this low level

residual goodness is instructed to go into an

all out attack mode at its low level, against

all the surrounding evil which surrounds it.

Because of the law of power, which states

that destruction consumes all power, even

the power behind an overpowering

destruction; even an attack by a low level

entity, will burn down the overwhelming

power of the surrounding destruction. And

since the low level residual goodness is

such a small target; the cost in resources to

maintain this low level residual goodness at

low level during the attack; will be low,

and affordable to the imperfect good side

half which is supplying it. This is similar

to the suicide plan, in that the low level life

goes on an all out attack; but unlike the

suicide plan, the low level life isn't killed

off, but is maintained in low level by the

outside good half. (And this makes it

similar to the plan whereby a high good

entity backs up the human material in

distress by continually regenerating what

evil destroys, thus being its backup in the

high plane. -But which doesn't result in

excessive feeding of the destructive force,

as it is a destruction of destruction type of

thing where the destructive force consumes

itself to a large degree.) Note that the

good half which has been supplying this,

doesn't give up so much resources so as to

put itself below medium level, but only the

excess richness which it generates. Then,

the good half which hung back, does

deliver its excess riches/resources to the

half which expended its excess resources to

maintain the attack.

The now-refreshed-good-half-that-is

-involved, then instructs the low level

residual good to break off its attack, when

its surrounding evils are no longer

overwhelming, but of similar size; and to

then seek to separate from them. As it does

this, part of the involved good half then

joins it in a joint entity and all of this good

half then supplies this low level residual

goodness up to medium level, where it is

let ruminate and where another round of

separation does occur.

It is then the new high good generated in

this newest separation that then takes on

the mantle of supplying any good left

behind on the bad side of this separation,

which would be surrounded by

overwhelming destruction in this separation

of the forces; thus allowing the high good

that did this previously, to now deliver its

excess richness to heaven (or wherever

richness is kept away from the imperfect

and partly destructive, human area). This is

the current plan.

Note that the reason for all this dividing

into halves, and also having only part form

a joint entity; is for preventing

contamination from the evil of the bad side;

so that if one of the good members is

contaminated, there will always be a

Now let me revisit the reproductive drive

area. Usually, the material needing rescue

here, due to all the dissatisfaction in this

area; doesn't have this surrounding large

evil, since the hurt is caused by going

ahead with one member of the attracted

sex, does cause other members to have that

area spoiled; and not from separation

occurrences that occur at medium level.

(However, some people who have a mean

streak, can pose an exception to this, even

in their sexual area.) Yes, only guppies and

the weak willed allow the sexual need to go

to completion. It is the strong who

interrupt it mid stream and demand

concessions from their partner, and use this

as a way to dominate them and thereby be

the head of that household. Oh, excuse me.

I guess I take the position of being the

guppy and the weak willed. But this does

bring up the point of the nature of sexuality

itself. In that it is those who are

participating in sexuality who are more

vulnerable and needy to having that go to

completion and climax, compared to those

who are not participating at all. So that one

uses the goodness obtained at their level of

sexual completion, to rescue their

neediness at that level of sexual

incompletion, so that they can stop there at

that specific level. As that entity ruminates

at rescued medium ability level, more

separation occurs, which eventually results

in moving closer to completion and climax.

And this cycle can repeat until climax is

shamelessly achieved, with no concessions

or dominance by either partner.

Note that rescuing all this low material from

the ones they are 'not doing', does allow

one to go longer with the one they are

'doing', but eventually it all gears back

down to medium level with the excess

going to Christ. But note that at this

Medium level, separations continue to

occur, and new things do generate: their

newness allowing for another flush of

itself, and also a minor flush involving all

the other older things, through their

connection with the new action. So that

those who were left out before, become the

new engine driving the oneness of us all

together as one, to completion.

Unfortunately, those who are expressing

richness of relationship with their

significant other, will stop the progression

from this point, until they bring that

richness down to medium level (hopefully

by delivering the excess to Christ/ -or using

that excess to rescue needy parts, including

at times, to supply a low level good trapped

on the bad side of a separation, to at least

initially to go into an all destructive mode

so as to burn down its surrounding

overpowering destruction). It is at

this medium level, where the forces do

separate, and new things/relationships are


Note that although some may say that Tiger

Woods acted selfishly by having relations

with so many women; the act of hoarding

the sexual love of one's significant other all

to oneself, and preventing any other from

participating in that; is the most selfish act.

And it is then incumbent upon such a one,

to rescue all the low level material of all

these other people that this one has put into

pain through this extreme selfishness.
Let me go over this again more clearly:

When one engages in sexual activity with

their partner, one generates goodness, but

also neediness. Part of one experiences

such intense goodness, that the other parts

of one that are about to experience that

goodness, but that have not yet experienced

it, are then aware of their inferiority, where

they were unaware before. So that if they

are forced to wait too long in an unsatisfied

state, they will become harmed and will

suffer destruction.

Now, the parts experiencing goodness, will

have to deliver excess goodness to Christ

so they can maintain medium level and

won't go to richness in the corrupt human

environment. But they can instead, use the

excess richness being generated, to rescue

and deliver the parts of themselves that are

low and in pain from not having this sexual

goodness (yet); so that we then have parts

of ourselves not experiencing the sexual

goodness, but also ok with that, and not in

pain, but delivered to medium level out of

low level. And this is provided by the

other parts that Are experiencing sexual

goodness, and from the richness generated

from that; so that the excess richness is

delayed being delivered to Christ, and is

used for this purpose of rescue instead. So

that these parts can enjoy excess richness

of sexual goodness as long as they are

using that to rescue their other parts which

aren't able to experience this sexual

goodness at that time. But eventually these

other parts are raised from lowness and

pain, into medium level/ability, to exist as

they are without yet experiencing sexual

goodness, yet being ok with that. And then

at this point, the parts that are experiencing

excess riches of sexual goodness, then no

longer keep that excess richness, but

deliver that to Christ (or now, since their

seems to be the possibility that they have

found Christ's osuary and bones; we do

deliver our excess to the best Christ like

replacement we can generate that is free of

the human realm and represents the all

good realm). So that what we have at this

point, is sexual parts at medium level, and

non sexual parts at medium level. Now, at

medium level, things are unstable, and

forces separate and human material

decomposes; so that some of the non sexual

parts do find the realm of the sexual area*.

(Don't forget to support a temporary all

destructive mode for small pieces of good

trapped on the wrong side of imperfect

separations that may occur at medium level


*As they do, they need not give any of their

newfound riches to the old sexual area,

because the old sexual area already has

what they have just gotten. But often, they

don't stop at just what the old sexual area

had achieved, but do then go beyond that.

(Because it is this area which has all the

new growth and activity and force of

growth; that wishes to keep on growing

even after it has achieved what the old parts

have.) It is at this time, that the tables turn,

and where the new sexual parts then rescue

the older sexual parts and make it ok to be

old sexual parts (in the new area/ while not

delivering rescue material concerning the

old area). And this cycle repeats itself until

both halves achieve climax, and then

deliver their excess riches to Christlike

entities. One point I want to make here, is

that although we do rescue those who are

left out of this sexual activity: it is the two

who are involved in sexual activity who

have the most needy parts. So that one

should not confuse this with having to

choose between partners.

This occurs within each partner that one

'does'. And if there are multiple partners,

each pair experiences a half of them that Is

generating the latest sexual goodness; and

also a half of them that lacks the latest

sexual goodness, -that is in pain and

lowness for lacking that goodness. So that

it is mainly not a matter of cheating on one

partner over another; as each pair has this

excess, and also, poverty dynamic acting

within them. So that every pair does

experience being chosen to experience

sexual goodness, and also simultaneously

being left out of that sexual goodness, in

their different internal parts.

So that whatever pair happens to be

coupling at that moment, might as well

work out that dynamic unto climax, and

then come back down to medium level;

because that is where the greatest need is

due to their most recent sexual activity. It

is a cheating within oneself where ones

own internal parts cheat (or I should say,

rescue) each other back and forth until

climax is reached for all, and a win win

situation for all ones internal parts is

realized; and shamelessly so.
To restate: I say that instead of delivering

the excess riches generated from one's

sexual activity to Christ; or letting that

richness be corrupted in the human area:

that one delivers it to the neediest parts

in pain for not having any sexual activity,

so they are now raised up to medium level,

and are ok with not having any sexual

activity. And the neediest parts are within

oneself, so that one delivers the excess

richness there to oneself. Then one

delivers the excess richness to the next

neediest parts. And those are in one's

sexual partner. (But one should also

instruct ones sexual partner to deliver

within their own parts as a priority over this

between-person delivery of rescue material,

since greater needs are filled between parts

of the same person than between parts of

different persons.)

And then one delivers excess richness to the

next neediest: and those are others who

have an interest. But people who butt in on

a couple are in this category, and do not

have the same priority of neediness as the

couple themselves, and must then wait

inline for their rescue material; first behind

the individuals themselves, and then behind

the couple.

And to those who are not interested at all,

they have no need because they haven't

been affected by this sexual activity; so

there may be no need to give them

anything. So the more needs one can fill

like this, the longer one can go in their

sexual parts and sexual activity that does

generate excess richness. But once all the

needs are filled, then the excess richness

needs to be sent up into Christ otherwise it

will corrupt if left in the human area. So

that as excess riches are at this point sent

up into a Christlike entity, the sexual parts

then move back down to medium level: and

with the rescued non sexual parts also at

medium level; everything is at medium

level. And as the sexual and non sexual (or

less sexual) parts ruminate at medium

level, their forces separate, and since sexual

activity is attainable (as proved by the

existence of the sexual parts); the non

sexual parts may also achieve that in this

rumination. Now since the sexual parts

already have sexual activity; what they are

able to advance into due to the separation

of their internal forces at medium level, is

any body's guess. But whatever they

accomplish will be harder and slower

coming because they've already

accomplished the easy stuff.

As the non sexual parts advance into

sexuality, they need not give any rescue

material to the older sexual parts in this old

sexuality, because these already have that.

But as they surpass the old sexual parts,

they do find a place to give rescue material,

in this new area. And the lesser parts

can continually come from underneath and

surpass the formerly higher parts. So that

whatever high part is high at the moment

need not fear, and needs to expect the

lower parts to come from beneath them and

then to surpass them. (However,

advancement can come from anywhere, and

doesn't always have to come in this way.)
Now then however: if one doesn't act to

rescue one's 'low' parts with the goodness

generated from ones 'high' parts, within

oneself; then one can now see how the

sexual area can drive one crazy. -How one

is tempted/motivated to move on to another

partner because the pain generated with

their current partner is too great, to

continue additional sexual activity with that

most recent partner. Woah man.

(But perhaps this isn't quite the whole

picture (although it is a large part)).

But there is one action which does none of

this rescuing. At medium level, forces

separate and new material is generated.

When new material first appears (and it is

the new material which is the first step and

first action occurring here); the newness of

the new material means that it didn't exist

before. And starting from non existence, is

starting from a barren level. Since newness

means an initial barren level, this new

material doesn't deliver resources anywhere

else but to itself, until it raises to medium

level. So, to start, no rescue action is done

by the new material. But the newness of

new material soon wears off, and it soon

achieves and then starts to go beyond

medium level. It is at this point the rescue

activities as described above, are then

enacted, secondarily to the short flush of

newness of new material that does generate

temporarily, exclusively, for itself.
Now, there's something I've been missing

that originates from this newness concept.

As advances occur in the completion of a

human hunger such as the sexual hunger,

(and these can come from anywhere, and

don't necessarily have to come from the

current sexual parts); one realizes that the

distinction between old vs new sexual

parts, is arbitrary. That there is no clear

delineation as to when to call a part 'old', vs

'new'. So that my just prior model

employing these concepts, is flawed and

inaccurate. What delineates parts and the

distinction between parts, Is this newness

concept. An old part is one that has existed

and is present; while a new part is one that

did not exist at that time, but does now. So

that it is this which delineates one part from

another. And my 'newest' concept/plan, is

that each of these parts are entities unto

themselves, and that they are not to be

lumped together into a larger entity without

a good plan to do so. So that the focus

point is not on delineating between

persons, as the division point between

entities, but between individual parts within

a person, and within every person. So

when one part exists without the presence

of a newer part, then at that time, the

newer part is non existent and is at barren

level (to the older part, and also to itself).

But then with the advancement into the

newer part, or the next stage of a hunger

satisfaction, the flush of newness occurs,

where the new part raises from the

barrenness of non existence, to medium

level. But soon it wants to go from

medium level, to richness; and this is where

it gets problematic. But instead of always

giving excess production to Christ, it can

continue the temporary flush of richness of

production (as started in the flush of

newness); by delivering rescue material to

the older parts, which had existed before

without any of this new part. However,

even though this newest part continues in a

temporary rich level in generating this

rescue material to be delivered to the older

parts; the older parts are not rescued up to

richness, but only to medium level. So that

the newest part itself experiences a

temporary richness unto itself, but the older

parts only experience a medium level of

this same newest part. (So that the newest

part has two representations of its same self

-a rich representation that is Removed from

the rest of the medium parts, -and a medium

representation that is together with the rest

of the medium parts.) And then, once all the

older parts have been delivered to medium

(in the area of the newest part), then the

newest part must gear down its temporary

richness in itself back down to medium,

with the excess now going to Christ. But

sometimes rapid change occurs; and in

these times, some new parts can be rich in

themselves (from delivering their rescue

material to older parts), but be only at

medium level in the newest parts as

they receive rescue material from these

newest parts: the newest parts being at

temporary rich level altogether. So that the

older new parts are a mixture of richness

(in themselves), and medium level (in the

newest parts via their receipt of rescue

material) -(or barrenness in the newest

areas if these newest areas don't deliver

rescue material). And only the newest

parts are in total (temporary) richness.

-Note that the newest parts have what the

older new parts and the old parts have

already, and don't need the older parts to

deliver rescue material to them, because

the new parts were formed from the

medium representation of all these older

parts, (that is, if all the older parts delivered

rescue material (which is their medium

representation), to the conglomeration of

older material all at medium). Note that as

a new part becomes older and older, that

more and more of it becomes at medium,

due to the rescue material delivered at

medium to it from all the newer parts that

are continually being generated. So that

they would approach a medium level if not

for their now small contribution to

richness. But even that gears back down to

medium as it finishes delivering rescue

material to parts older than it is. And as an

older new part starts to approach medium

level, it need not be so removed from the

conglomeration of older medium material.

And as it comes closer to the medium

material, a reverse dynamic occurs where it

becomes more medium due to it no longer

needing to deliver rescue material because

it is no longer absent in person (its richer,

removed, representation). So then, do not

let once new but now older material remain

isolated and removed from the

conglomeration of medium material, after it

gears down to medium, after it has finished

delivering its rescue material; but instead,

bring it back into and let it rejoin this

conglomeration of medium older material.

And This is my 'newest' plan to join one's

individual parts into the larger entity of

one's whole person. However, this

interrelation between different parts, is

superseded by the joining together of like

parts between persons into single, 'super

parts', which then can interrelate with each

other together, irrespective of which

individual person they came from. 'It is

said that God is no respecter of persons'.

And that we as individuals, are not so real,

but the concepts we deal with, Are more

And from this, we can surmise that parts

which are at medium level can be lumped

more closely together; and parts with some

richness and some medium level can be

lumped together, and parts in total

(temporary) richness can be lumped more

closely together, (with the (temporarily)

richer parts removing themselves a bit

away from the other more medium parts).

And that it is more important to delineate a

part that is rich (temporarily) as an entity

unto itself, from the other medium parts.

However, there still remains a connection

between a newest part's rich representation,

and that same part's medium

representation. -But that is only a one way

connection of the delivery of rescue

material -(the rescue material being the

medium representation). So that there is

somewhat of a distinction between a part's

medium representation, and that same

part's rich representation, where the rich

part pulls away from its medium part as

well as all other medium parts. Just realize

that the rich representation that pulls away,

is kind of a dead end as far as the

generation of new material goes. It still

needs to pull away, so it can be rich, so it

can supply its medium level rescue

material. But it is then through that

medium level material and all medium

level material where new material

generates from. It is in the

newest rich parts generated, that have

pulled away, where we find the most

isolation from new generatings; (even

though it just came from the hotbed of new

generatings, the medium material). As a

new material gets older and becomes of

more medium level (through receiving

medium rescue material from the very

newest parts); not only does it begin to

generate new material on its own; it comes

closer (less removed), and then joins the

conglomeration of medium older parts, that

is the hotbed of generating new material

(due to its extensive medium level).

Note that in the initial flush from newness,

a part is near medium level, and also rich

due to the flush (so that it can't be

classified as solely medium, or solely a

rich part).

Now, when the new parts are in their

richest mode, they should separate/remove

themselves a bit away from the rest of the

medium level older material, but of course

this medium level older material still has a

medium level representation of each Rich

representation, through the Medium level

rescue material being delivered to it by the

rich representation. It is here at medium

level, (and not at rich level of the rich

representation of the newest part) where

even newer parts are generated, (and they

need not separate so far away during their

initial flush from newness from non

existence to medium), but more so after

they go beyond medium level into

(temporary) richness.

So that the rich representation of a new

part doesn't experience much of the

generating of newest new parts that is

occurring; but the medium representation

of that same new part, which is together

with the rest of the medium older material;


Now then, after the older new parts have

geared back down to medium after being

finished delivering rescue material to the

other parts, they can rejoin the medium

level material.

Realize that when the rich representation of

a newest part pulls away from the older

parts at medium level, that this accentuates

this dynamic; as more delivery of medium

level 'rescue' material representation, is

needed due to the pulling away (of the rich

representation). -And with more delivery of

rescue material, the rich representation thus

needs to be richer; which then results in

more pulling away. -Until all the rescue

material is delivered and it all collapses

back down to medium level. (But of

course, this isn't the only source of this

dynamic; as the delivery of rescue material

to raise other parts from barren level to

medium; is the main source of this


Note that it will be out of the areas at

medium level, not the areas at rich level,

where even newer material will generate,

as the forces separate only in the areas at


Now, let me run through this one more

time: first, if one is unable to concentrate

on these different entities, all they need do,

is ruminate blindly, mindlessly, and

blissfully at medium level. Once that

medium level generates new material and

richness and allows one to form these more

complex thoughts, then one can undertake

these more complex representations. As

we have just gone over: there can be the

structure of having a rich representation

removing itself from the rest of medium

material, while at the same time, sending a

medium representation of itself to this

medium material, in the form of the rescue

material it sends to this medium material.

And this represents the act of initiating

new things, and making changes, because it

is how one handles new things. But then

there is the more simple act of just

removing excess riches that generate from

the medium material, to a Christlike entity;

which represents not getting into new

things or making changes in this area at this

time, but just represents a maintenance of

this material so it doesn't get out of hand,

get rich and become corrupted due to the

imperfect nature of human material. But

even this maintenance action requires a

structure of the new material. This is

because to cause a change, to not allow

excess riches to corrupt the medium

material, requires a removal action to

remove the excess riches. And as new

material is continually being generated by

the medium material, continued removal

action is always needed. And as the older

removal action returns itself to the medium

material after it has lost its newness, a new

flush of material is generated from this

return to the medium area, which itself

needs then to be acted upon to remove

excess riches it soon generates. So, even if

you're doing nothing new, you still need to

do the newness structure, just to maintain

'nothing new', so that even here, you Are

doing something new. So that even if you

are just saying 'no'; you are also in part,

saying 'yes'.xx

Another thing that can occur, is that once

one achieves the sexual area with their

partner in satisfaction, that other areas of

spirituality can become the prize to

achieve; with the satisfied sexual area

being in the subordinate position; just as

the non sexual parts were subordinate to

the sexual parts when sexuality was the

prize, and it was sexuality that generated

the excess richness.
Now that I have explained the cycle as I see

it; I can say that one needs to determine

what kind of a part one has, and act

accordingly; and not confuse this with

choosing between partners. If one has their

most advanced (sexual) part that has run

out of steam (and they will run out of steam

after they have rescued all the other lower

parts to medium level); then one just

ruminates with this part as it has geared

back down from richness to medium level.

It has the most achievements, so that

further advances will be slower and harder

to come by; so that one just ruminates with

this here, and it kind of acts as a baseline or


Now, if one has a lesser part that has been

rescued to medium so that it is not in pain,

even though it lacks what the more

advanced parts have; then one also

ruminates with this part at medium. But

here, this part is more likely to advance and

grow into what the more advanced parts

have. If this is the part we have, then we

allow it to grow and don't give its excess

riches to the more advanced parts (although

it still does help rescue other parts that are

even lesser than it is). Since its excess

riches are not used much for rescue, they

are soon delivered to Christ. If we have a

part that has recently achieved what the

older advanced parts have, and is now

surpassing the older advanced parts; then

we need to act with this part by not

delivering material to the older advanced

parts, in the older area; but simultaneously

do deliver rescue material to the older

advanced parts, in the new area. And such

rescue actions allow this part to go longer

in richness. So that if the older advanced

parts had not been able to achieve a climax

before they ran out of steam, then this part

may be able to do so, in its steam. And so I

have just lain out a plan/*this is an older

plan, still with valid points*/ of action based

on what type of part one has, irregardless

of which person it belongs to.
Let me interject here to warn against guilt

trips. Do not be deceived when things go

badly and you fail to live up to what you

want to be, and think you are condemned

for committing some irrevocable sin that

cannot be taken back; suggesting that you

can't take your failure back. I say this

because oftentimes a bad situation is

represented by low level material that

needs to be rescued. If one fails and has a

misstep; that low level material needing to

be rescued is often still there; and one can

just pick themselves up and try again, and

rescue that low level material in their

second or third try; so that ones failure in

their first try didn't really bind one to that

failure; in many cases.
Now then, there is something I have been

missing with all this. But before I

straighten that out, let me rehash a bit.

What is a main concept here, is the

(discovery and generation of) New

material. And it is the newness of an object

that has more of an effect than other

directives. Like one's spouse is no longer

'new', and the directive to stay

monogamous discourages any newness in

the sexual area. And it is the 'newness' of

other partners which is the attractive force

they possess, and not usually other reasons.

So that where the sexual area encounters

the 'newness' factor, the effects of the

newness factor dominate in how it takes

one's mind, as the newness factor

dominates in all areas.

Now then; there is the factor of when

imperfect human material is maintained at

medium level, its forces separate: hence

new good material is generated. And when

that new good material delivers a medium

level representation of itself to all other

older areas, then a more medium level

playing field is created which causes

increasing separation of the forces here

resulting in even more new goods

generated. This can snowball so that one is

generating new things too fast for them to

handle. This is the point I had been

missing. This can overwhelm one.

The solution to handling this, is that when

these new good things start to generate

overwhelming richness: instead of using

that richness to pull away, (but not

completely away), from the medium

area and use that richness to send medium

level representations of themselves to the

older areas; even though they are able to do

this; they should instead, send their excess

richness completely away with no return

involvement, up into a Christlike entity.

Note that sending material up into a

Christlike entity is not done to the point of

barrenness, but only to the point where the

excess richness is lowered to medium level

(not barrenness). And that when one is

ready to turn this area into one that pulls

partly away in a rich representation to send

medium representations of itself to the

older parts; then one need not ask for the

material sent up into Christ, back, but just

use the new material this new good part

generates, to bring about that richness for

the rich representation.

Recall that after a new part has delivered

medium representations of itself to the rest

of the older areas and the medium area;

-having become rich and having pulled

away from the medium area to do this; that

this area then gears back down to medium

level, giving its excess richness now to

Christ: that it also reverses its pulling away,

and rejoins the medium area. Note that

representations within yourself of a

deceased loved one, no longer generate

new material since the loved one is now

deceased. It is at this time one needs

to pull these sore memories permanently

back into ones medium area, no longer ever

to be isolated from ones medium area

because they no longer generate any new

material. When one does this, and returns

material of a lost loved one that has been

away from one's medium area (due to the

activity from when the loved one was

alive): be prepared for a burst of generation

of new material due to this expanding the

medium area. So that one won't be

overwhelmed by this, one can temporarily

send the excess richness of all this new

good material generates, up into Christ,

until one is ready to explore these areas,

(via using the excess richness, instead,

to send medium level representations of

itself to the older, medium areas, and also

pulling partly away from one's medium

area with this new rich material). The

mistake one wants to avoid, is getting into

one thing in a newness way that involves a

rich representation that pulls away, but

because of this, additional material

generated from this entices one into

involvement with this newer material,

which generates even newer material, so

that one is into too many things at once than

they can handle; where they leave partly

pulled away rich representations out there

not being used, -other than to be food for

destruction. When one starts to get

overwhelmed, they need to remove to

Christ the excess material (which is a

permanent removal of this material so it is

no longer involved in this imperfect human

area), in enough areas so that these areas

are held non harmfully at medium level in

non involvement, so ones involvement in

areas through partly pulled away rich

representations is limited to what one can

handle. But also recall that even the act to

remove excess material permanently to

Christ (which represents non involvement

and doesn't have any nearby pullaway rich

representations), does require a pull away

rich representation of involved action to do

this. So that one cannot go entirely to non

involvement. So that one needs to be able

to do some pull away rich representation

even when one isn't doing anything and is

being as non involved as possible. Then in

addition to this, one can juggle other pull

away rich representations to move into

more involvement and active doing of

things, as they are able, that they can

Let me go over this again:

If we start out with human material at

medium, eventually the forces separate,

new good material is generated (while the

destructive material generated self

consumes), and then the remaining good

material generates richness. But it is still

imperfect human material, so that as rich

imperfect material, the forces stop

separating and then this is a dead end. But

if some of that excess rich material acts to

send the rest of the excess rich material

permanently away (into a Christlike entity),

then medium level will be maintained in

this imperfect human area. Now, as this act

to send material away into Christ gets old,

it looses its richness, and returns itself to

the medium material pool. But as it is

doing so, it takes some richness that was

headed to be sent permanently away up

into Christ, and instead commandeers it to

be the new rich representation (that pulls

partially away from the medium material,

but which is still involved, and which sends

a medium representation of itself back into

the medium material); and acts to send

excess riches generated in this medium

material, permanently up into Christ. But

this sending excess material permanently up

into Christ directive is done by not sending

excess material up into Christ. It is one

part of a different type of act, -that of

partially pulling away from the medium

material by this excess rich material,

instead of being permanently removed up

into Christ. Since this act of sending

excess material permanently up into Christ,

itself, is an imperfect human action that is

Not from material being permanently sent

up into Christ (but is instead from rich

material partially pulled away, but still

involved, of the imperfect human area); it

should seek to put itself at medium level,

because it is an imperfect human thing;

-by not being just one absolute thing, but

by being non absolute, by including other

directives and actions, to share the same

partially pulled away space with other

partially pulled away rich representations

of other directives. -Since we want to set

this still imperfect human area to medium

level. Of course, initially it is important to

have this directive to always send some of

the excess generated from this medium

pool, permanently away, up into Christ, so

as to maintain medium level in this

medium pool of imperfect human material.

So when we commandeer new rich material

that was going to be sent permanently up

into Christ, but is now no longer going that

way; we make it to be a balance between

new sending material permanently up into

Christ directive, and, other directives. So

that each individual thing has a rich pull

away representation that sends part of its

excess medium self permanently up into

Christ;/ and also a rich pull away

representation that does at least itself at

medium level in its medium self; thereby

having both the permanently away up into

Christ directive plus an additional other

human thing/directive.

Now then, there is another concept that this

just described structure does Not apply to.

Initially, when a thing is brand new, it

didn't even exist just a few moments ago.

Then when it starts to come into existence,

it moves from non existence or barrenness,

to low level existence, then to medium

existence. This process of moving from

nothing, to low level, to medium level, is

out of reach of the sending up into Christ

act, or the commandeering excess material

to be a rich pull away representation act:

because nothing is above medium level at

these points, and so none of these directives

apply. -These new things are part of the

imperfect human area, but are not part of

these just described human directives (also

of the human area). Now, if a new thing

can make it to medium level, then it will

become part of/involved with these

directives, as medium level material is an

active generator of material, including new

material. But if something holds a new

thing back at low level, and it is unable to

move to medium level, then it is in a place

where it isn't touched by the directives.

And it is trapped by its imperfect state at

the low level, unable to get out. So what is

the human area, especially the human area

with these directives to do? It would seem

that this low level material trapped at low

level, would be better to commit suicide,

rather than be maintained for a long time at

that low level. But instead, what the

human area with the directives should do

with this human material stuck in low

levels should do, (after encouraging and

providing every support it can do, trying to

get this low material to grow out of

lowness into medium): is for some of this

directive material to join with this low

material, and then to not do a balanced

plan, but in this case, do entirely the

(human) directive of sending permanently

up into Christ. And this will then remove

this low material stuck in low, out of the

human area, where imperfection of the

human area can be separated away and it

can exist in peace. And this is the state of

some memories of deceased loved ones,

and this is what can be done with them so

they don't become trapped in the imperfect

human area. Because permanent low level

in the human area is what we of the human

area want to avoid.

With this trapped low level material; we

should try sending it rescue material; even

doing the same process that generated it in

the first place, so that there is more of it so

it would then be above low level. We can

also try to back it up and have it go into an

all destructive mode to destroy surrounding

overpowering destructions. But if none of

that works or we are unable to rescue it up

to medium level (like when we are unable

to bring a deceased one back to life), then

we can do this singular action to remove it

up into Christ. And this is different than

our regular removal up into Christ in that

here we remove All of this low level

trapped material, whereas with our regular

removal, we don't touch a material until it

has risen above medium, and even then,

only remove excess, down to medium, and

don't remove all. Here, we have to pick the

looser that is in pain with no chance of

getting out, and intercede where we usually

don't intercede (since usually our sending

up into Christ directive doesn't act on

material that isn't above medium level).

The purpose of the removal, is to get it out

of the imperfect human area so its low level

doesn't torment it. Thus we don't do

additional human directives with it

concurrently like we usually do with the

sending permanently up into Christ

directive. And this low level material

doesn't participate in the human hunger

satisfactions we usually do in the human

area. Even Christ treats this material

differently than the usual material

that is sent up to him, and He doesn't

process it with an extreme medium

environment, but holds it away from the

human environment until it can be brought

out of its low level. So that we can't even

do this action of removing to Christ

together even with the other removing to

Christ actions as part of a single action,

since the material goes to different places.

Now then; lets get back to the normal

excess material that our directive sends up

into Christ. When the material that is

pooled at medium ruminates, it generates

new material. But we don't send this newly

generated material up into Christ right

away since it is new material that has just

been created that didn't exist a moment

ago; and we have to wait until it achieves

medium level. When it does achieve

medium level, and then starts to achieve

rich level, it instead, pulls away a little

from the medium pool, and sends a

medium representation of itself to that

medium pool. The older medium pool,

starts to move towards richness due to this

infusion of new material. It is here at the

older medium pool where our sending up

into Christ action does then act to remove a

small percentage of each and every older

action, so that the medium pool remains at

medium and doesn't become rich; (in a way

that doesn't completely decimate any one

member older action and does preserve

some of all older actions). (Now, let me

suggest that it is not from the present rich

representation that originates this sending

up into Christ action, but it is material from

the medium pool starting to become rich

that does then also pull away from the

medium pool to be another rich

representation of removing to Christ, (also

joining the area of pull away rich

representations), to then send a medium

representation of itself to the medium pool

that then does this sending excess material

of the medium pool permanently up into


Note that as these rich representations finish

delivering medium representations of

themselves to all the components of the

medium pool: they gear back down, no

longer delivering material to the medium

pool, and they themselves rejoin the

medium pool to have their excess richness

removed to Christ. At this point, since no

new material is being infused into the

medium pool, it no longer trends towards

richness, and so the permanently removing

to Christ action no longer removes any

extra material. That is of course, until

something new is generated, and the whole

cycle starts all over again. (Don't worry,

the medium pool, being at medium level, is

constantly separating in its forces and

generating new goods.) Note that an old

component that has given up its rich

representation and is now part of the

medium pool, can't go back and develop a

rich representation again; because the only

reason to have a pull away rich

representation that is still involved with the

medium pool, is for delivering medium

representations of itself to the medium

pool. But in this case, the medium pool

already has medium representations of this

old component, so that an old component

would have no purpose in returning to a

pull away rich representation.

Let me run through this:

When a human (hunger) action is done,

after it makes it to medium level, forms a

rich representation (which sends a medium

representation of itself to the medium pool)

thus trending the medium pool towards

richness; then a second pull away action,

that of the permanently sending up into

Christ directive is generated from the

excess material brewing in the medium

pool. And this also human action also

sends a medium representation of Itself into

the medium pool, which also causes the

medium pool to trend towards richness.

Note that this sending up into Christ action

always comes after the human hunger

action, as it is a response to the human

hunger causing the medium pool to trend

towards richness. So that even after the

human hunger action has run out of steam;

has no new medium representations to

deliver to the medium pool; and has

collapsed back down to medium and

returned to the medium pool:

this secondary action to send up into Christ,

is still going strong. And since the sending

up into Christ action has opposing

directions (that is, it makes the medium

pool richer by its sending medium

representations of itself into it, vs, its

medium representation's action upon the

medium pool of sending material away into

Christ, does remove that richness); means it

hangs around longer and takes longer to

accomplish its purpose and then gear back

down. Make no mistake, its newness will

in time wear off just like any new thing,

and it will exhaust places in the medium

pool to send medium representations of

itself to: but until that happens, the medium

pool won't have its richness soon removed

from it; and this directive to send up into

Christ will hang around for longer than the

initial human hunger action that drew the

response of the sending up into Christ

action. -(a goodly time after the initiating

human hunger action has returned to

medium level and is no longer the focus of

activity and structure.) And that's just the

way it is. Just remember to not forget to

keep carrying on in the sending up into

Christ action, -the excess richness of itself,

a good time after the other good time of the

human hunger satisfying action has faded

away into the medium pool (no longer

under these directives much). And this

includes for the special sending completely

up into Christ of low level memories of

deceased loved ones so as to remove them

from the torments of the imperfect human

area, action; that has also likewise faded

away into the medium pool.

Note that if we get specific, we see that

there are slightly different actions in the

normal sending up into Christ action (now

no longer referencing the special sending

up into Christ of memories of deceased

loved ones). What I mean, is that the first

sending up into Christ action, removes

excess human hunger representation. But

this first sending up into Christ action also

adds its own medium representation to the

medium pool, that then needs a second

sending up into Christ action to remove its

excess. But then this second sending action

also has its medium representation that it

delivers to the medium pool, so that a third

sending action would be initiated. But after

awhile, it is all pretty much the same

sending representation that is in excess in

the medium pool, so that one need not go

into multiple levels like this, but just be all

inclusive, and not only send excess

material of other representations out of the

medium pool, but also its own excess

representation out of the medium pool, all

up into Christ. However, this still shows

how our activity shifts to this regulatory

action and how it hangs on, due to this shift

of our activity to it.

Note that this regulatory action of sending

up into Christ, doesn't even have control of

itself when it first starts, because it starts at

low level, which is out of bounds for this

regulation. But that's ok, because when it

has more human hunger action to regulate,

it itself grows larger and large enough to be

at medium level, which then puts it in the

grasp of its own regulatory action (which

however, it does resist, initially). Thus,

when it is needed, this regulatory action

does have access to itself so that it can send

its own excess richness up into Christ, as

well as the excess richness of other

actions. And if there are multiple nested

regulatory actions, note that each spends an

initial time out of the grasp of these

regulatory actions before it raises to the

level of medium, out of the nothingness of

first coming into existence.

Realize that it is here in this sending up into

Christ action that is the hotbed of

generation of new material (in the human

area), because all the other project actions

soon go into richness, whereas it is only

here that a medium level is maintained due

to the sending excess up into Christ action.

Let me run through this again:

We start with a human hunger that is

generating excess richness in the medium

pool (that has a pulled away rich

representation). Then a sending up into

Christ regulatory action starts from some of

that medium pool excess; and there also

may be old regulatory action in the medium

pool that had been discharged into the

medium pool from a previous step. But at

this point, it doesn't have a pulled away

rich representation of its own since it is just

coming into new existence; (or that its old

rich representation had been returned to the

medium pool with its excess richness

removed). But if the human hunger action

generates enough excess richness, then the

regulatory action can also generate excess

richness due to an equally rich level of

doing its regulatory action, which can then

form a pull away rich representation of its

own. Then there can be a time of the

human hunger action, as well as, the

regulatory action both having rich

representations and sharing the pull away

area (pulled away from the medium pool).

But after awhile, the human hunger action

runs out of steam (as it runs out of areas in

the medium pool to deliver its medium

representation to), so that it no longer

causes excess richness in the medium pool.

Its rich representation also then returns to

the medium pool where its excess richness

is also removed by the regulatory action.

Then for a time, the regulatory action

alone, remains with a pulled away rich

representation where its representation in

the medium pool removes excess richness

generated by its own self (in the medium

pool). Simultaneous to while this is going

on, the human hunger action on the side,

can get into new steps as combined with

the old steps in the medium pool, all

outside of the regulation and grasp of the

regulatory action that has itself in its own

grasp. Because the new actions are either

below, or at medium level they are out of

the grasp of the regulatory action. (So that

a simultaneous but separate two tier set of

actions can exist.) Now as they then go into

richness, however, the new actions do

come under the grasp of the regulatory

action. However, they instead, resist that

grasp by pulling away from the medium

pool so that through this, they are again out

of the grasp of the regulatory action, and

thus form their rich pull away

representation. This rich representation

then sends medium representations of itself

into the medium pool, thereby making the

medium pool go towards richness. It is at

this point when the regulatory action does

grasp them and they do not escape that

grasp, and their excess richness is removed

permanently up into Christ. This may

continue an older regulatory action in its

rich representation, but Eventually the rich

representation of the regulatory action

would also run out of steam and return to

the medium pool where its own medium

representation would deliver its excess, its

richness, away to Christ. But now, with

new human hunger material to regulate, the

regulatory action becomes more active

again and itself can become more rich.

And its own regulation would attempt to

also remove its own richness, but instead, it

also pulls away and regenerates a rich

representation for this regulatory action.

Then, when this rich representation returns

medium representations of itself to the

medium pool, enriching the medium pool;

does this regulatory action once again act

on itself and remove its and other excess

richness of the medium pool away into

Christ. And this loose type of cycle can

repeat over again with many variations.

Now, residual regulatory action is usually

always present in the medium pool, so any

human hunger action that makes it from

low level to medium level to attempting

rich level, will then be acted upon when it

attempts rich level. But of course, that

hunger action should instead, resist, and

pull away to form a pulled away rich

representation; and it is only when it sends

its medium representations back into the

medium pool, that these then allow the

regulatory action to act on them. And this

occurs even, especially with the regulatory

action itself as the residual medium pool

regulatory action starts to become rich

through its increased activity and response,

regulating the increased activity of the

human hungers.

Now, a pair of human hungers; even though

they may just be different stages of the

same hunger, or may be similar types of

human hungers: can be Different, if one

happens to be at the rich representation

stage, while another is in its new stage

where it hasn't yet developed its rich

representation and has just come from non

existence and low levels. These two forms

should be allowed to exist simultaneously,

but they are different, and until they are

both present in the pull away rich area; they

are not truly together or of equal standing.

Of course, once a hunger stage has had its

time in the rich representation (where it

sends otherwise identical medium

representations of itself to the medium

pool) and has returned to the medium pool,

do they all meld together in the medium

pool, and that is where true togetherness is

Now then, even if we are not doing the

backing of a low level good that turns

temporarily all bad when trapped by

overwhelming evil; -even if we are not in

this situation, we can often have to put up

with bad things we don't like, and the

question is, what to do about them? The

thing is, that often it is best to not try to fix

these things especially if we're unable to

do so. What we do instead, is to look to

what would a full of life area value in our

present situation; and not be sucked into

what would be worthless to such a full of

life area, as only the full of life area is real

whereas we in our imperfect situation have

a lot that is not real and that will be

discarded and not present in any full of life

area. So that we should not waste our

precious little reality on things that will be

discarded; but only focus on what will be

valuable to a full of life area, and in actions

of trying to generate a full of life area out

of our imperfect situation. So that all we

need to do, is not to fuss and fight, wasting

our efforts, but to just play the unreality

card, and stand behind the fact that we are

mostly not real, and focus on only those

things valuable in a full of life area,

mentally discarding those things that are

not; saying to a bad thing that we will go

against it anyway, even if it doesn't look

like we stand much of a chance, because

neither we in our present imperfect

situation, nor this bad thing, has any

permanent reality, while only the all good

full of life area does. Of course, we

don't spend all our time and resources

doing what an all good full of life area

would want, because what an all good full

of life area would want for us to do in our

imperfect situation, would be a medium

level in our hunger satisfying actions, (so as

to maintain medium level in the human

area); so that we will be spending some of

our time partially satisfying our own

human hungers. -Not so much to make

these hunger satisfying actions permanent

for a full of life area, but to make our own

present imperfect situation at medium

level; causing the forces of the material

there to separate; the good of which then

goes for permanence with the full of life


Note that in order to form a good, full of life

area, that a 3 d separation of the forces of

goodness from forces of destruction must

occur. But beyond that exclusion of

destructive things from the full of life area;

no life form is excluded, otherwise it

wouldn't be a full of life area. If you

exclude people from your heaven, then that

isn't a full of life area, because it isn't 'full'

due to all the life possibilities that are

But if you have a religion that does exclude

people from its heaven, based on edicts

from religious leaders, then a human's

concern over their afterlife can be used to

motivate them in this life (to obey and do

their leader's bidding). But in doing so, a

religion then centers itself here in this

earth, and no longer represents a rejection

of this earth and its imperfect ways, or an

escape from this earth. Note that the

afterlife, being a possible removal from the

ways of this earth, is a concept based on a

different way of doing things than they are

done on this earth. Note that a religion that

is less than a full of life area, that excludes

people in its afterlife in order to have

motivating power here on this earth; has a

motivation problem. The problem I speak

of, is that such a religion is motivated to

make or allow life here on earth for its

followers, to be bad and unpleasant with

the power they have from being able to

motivate their followers. This is because

the worse life here on earth becomes, the

more valuable one's afterlife becomes.

Whereas if life is very pleasant for

earthlings, there will be no desire to have

something different, and the afterlife will

not have much prominence or sway or

ability to motivate the masses. This

encourages the institutionalization and

acceptance of violence and destruction and

killing into the religion. When followers

easily resort to killing, violence, and

destruction as part of their religion

(because they have a mindset that it is right

and good and acceptable), that prevalence

of destruction does help bring about a

depraved earthly environment, leaving

those there longing for a better afterlife.

So that there is a motivation in religions

that use the afterlife to motivate current

behavior; -to use their power of motivating

current behavior to create a depraved

environment in the current life (so as to

emphasize, accentuate, and place great

value on the escape from the current life

into a heavenly afterlife). But then, when a

religion like the Jewish religion, or

Buddhist religion, which doesn't emphasize

the afterlife so much, generates a life on

earth that is better, because it is not so

driven/motivated to generate depravity:

such provides unwanted competition to the

religion that does generate depravity out of

this current life, and provides an escape

from the depravity on earth, to a less

depraved way on earth. Note that Christ, by

offering salvation just by believing on Him,

does not center his religion here on this

earth, but Away from this earth, since this

spoils the use of salvation to hold it over its

followers to do biddings here on earth. So

that what we implore, is to have a mindset

that looks away from this earth, to a better

afterlife, a full of life area; without having

this cause the worsening of this present life

on earth, through motivating and

motivational effects. -Instead, improving

the quality of life on this earth, even though

we still look away to a better, full of life

area. Its got to be an all inclusive, full

of life, afterlife, except of course that the

destructive concept Is excluded via 3 d

sorting. Otherwise motivational effects

from this religion itself, act to

encourage/favor the lowering of the

quality of life here on earth instead of

improving it.
Then one day I came across someone who

believed that parents should discipline their

children so as to set them on the correct

path for their own good. And they gave a

convincing argument for this. They said

that as a teenager, they themselves had

partied heavily, but that later in life they

had grown up and seen how much damage

heavy partying can do; and that they wish

to help their own kids avoid the same

mistakes they had made, by discouraging

such in their own children. And this seems

to be very convincing, until I think about it

more. And I start with this comment of

how heavy partying is so destructive. And

why would this be so? And it is so. There

Is a danger in heavy partying. With the

intense pleasurable and good feeling from

this partying, what happens, is one tries to

bring this intense, rich goodness and

pleasure unto their human self. But

bringing richness into oneself, in one's

imperfect human plane (which contains

some of the destructive force); does corrupt

that goodness and pleasure. A wise man

once said 'don't store up riches here on

earth where the moth corrupts and the thief

steals; but store up riches in heaven'. So

that to bring intense rich goodness, even of

a pleasurable feeling, unto one's imperfect

human self/plane, just ends up in that

richness being corrupted (by the destructive


However, the solution whereby one stops

generating riches and lives a barren low

level life, and imposes that on their

children; isn't a good solution either. As

neither barrenness nor richness are good

matches for our imperfect human self.

(The good solution, is to proceed at a

medium level, in moderation, between

barren and rich. However, when one acts

thusly; one's forces do separate, resulting in

the generation of a good side which

generates excess richness, that needs to

eventually be removed away from the

human area.)

A good solution, is to go ahead and allow

the generation of this excess richness, but

to not try and hold it or keep it in ones

(human) self, but instead, allow it to escape

one's human self through Christ, where it

dies to its (human) self, and its goodness

escapes the human plane, and goes up into

God**. So that just because someone has

failed at partying, doesn't mean they need

to form an ethos of disciplining their

children so as not to make the same

mistake: But instead, should go to a 'party

school' where they can learn how to

successfully party. And this party school is

held every Sunday morning; and it is

called 'church'. Where they lead you to

Jesus Christ. And it is then through Jesus

Christ where one can take one's excess

richness, that one often generates when

operating at medium level, so that it doesn't

corrupt one's human plane; but instead

separates in its forces (with the goodness

escaping up into God), in the extreme

medium environment provided by Christ.

(And He'll turn the water into wine for

you.) (a Motel 7 promotion). **Oh yea,

don't forget to rescue any low material

generated in that partying, or by being left

out of that partying; before sending the

excess goodnesses from that partying up

into a Christlike entity. -So what if you

send the excess riches up into Christ but

then later discover that there is low level

material that needs rescuing? Do you ask

for the riches to come back? No, that

isn't necessary, and is counterproductive to

keeping the high good parts holy and safe

from destructiveness. What had separated

towards the good side (in the separations

occurring at medium level) does generate

excess richness, and will continue to

generate excess richness, so that if you just

wait a bit, more excess riches will be

generated, which then can be used to rescue

the low material up to medium, instead of

delivering these new excess riches up into

Speaking of the separations which occur

naturally at medium level: these occur

naturally with no extra effort (extra effort

which would move areas above medium

and into richness). One thus need put no

extra conscious effort into this material

other than to deliver it to medium level.

But then, if this is something that occurs

naturally here, that one puts no extra effort

into; then how can one expect to be paid

for something they have put no extra effort

into? And when the expectations of those

who would pay you, are not met, then they

mete punishment unto you for not living up

to those expectations. Here we see that it is

those who operate under motivations of pay

and rewards and punishments; are what

cause the problem. It is at this point that

we no longer rest, but go into conscious

action to separate away the destructions of

their punishment and act to restore material

that has been brought low by punishment

or denial of reward, back up to medium


Note that oftentimes, others around one are

better and richer than one is. Do not let

this discourage one, or be envious or

jealous of how much better others are than

oneself; since this is often the result one

will experience when one gives up their

excess riches to Christ and heaven. It is

just that these others who are better, haven't

given these things up, and are still trying to

have these excesses in their human plane.

Do not follow in these footsteps, but

instead, send as much of even these

excesses as possible (where they interface

with oneself), up into Christ, also.
Now then, let me revisit the concept of

trying to send the richness of an

overpowering destruction up into Christ, as

a way of removing its attack.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work out.

Christ does not accept this material,

because an all destructive thing, such as an

overpowering destruction, is not to be

raised to medium level in Christ's extreme

medium environment; but is instead to be

given no goods whatsoever; in accordance

with 3 d sorting. And even if this

overpowering destruction makes itself out

to be a human component by using the

small goodness that it has trapped; Christ

doesn't take in this poorly performing

'human' material either, (because the godly

material that would generate from this in

Christ's extreme medium environment,

would be low level godly material that

would generate a lot of human material in

its new generatings). So that one is left with

the plan where the low level suffering

human material that is trapped, just goes

into an all out attack mode, where it attacks

the overpowering destruction, but where it

isn't itself totally destroyed due to it being

supplied and backed up by the imperfect

good side, that was also generated from the

imperfect separation which occurred in the

imperfectly medium environment.

(But of course, the excess richness we

deliver to Christ; Christ Does take in, since

it is not evil, and there is enough goodness

to it that it can escape the evil of our human

mortality when it is put into Christ's

extreme medium environment, so that it

will become high godly parts more than

low godly parts.) But any richness

associated with an overpowering

destruction that isn't able to be sent up into

Christ, or isn't able to be used to rescue low

level human material, will just be burned

up in the all out destruction that is done to

burn down the overpowering destruction.
Now for the retro writing:

No matter how we (as imperfect

human life) get to Medium level: -whether

it be through being shepherded up to

medium level by joining with Christ; or

being generated that way by a lesser high

part (that is not high enough to generate

further high parts, but only human parts

in its generating); or as a result of our own

activities: no matter how we got there;

being at medium level naturally causes our

imperfect human life to separate in its

forces so the good escapes from the

bad/destructive. This escaping all good

does then go on to place a representation

into the high or almost high good parts.

But as a consequence, the human material

'fades away', as its component parts have

decomposed or separated. Note that this

'fading away' of human material, is not a

loss or a death concerning that human

material, since its all good parts that

separate away are still alive and in a much

better position to enjoy life and do things as

part of the all good entity. (Note that

starting off, the high part is no more rich

than the medium level it separated from;

but being separate from its prior human

destructions, it soon generates richness,

given rumination time, due to being

separate. So that initially, a new high

part is not rich, but it soon is rich in a bit of


Now then; what happens when human

material generates segments for a time in

an environment free of overpowering

destruction, but then before the human

hunger is completed, an overpowering

destruction does step in? As the human

material developed free of overpowering

destruction, no union with the shepherding

entity was realized. So those many

sequences of human material are without

the protection of the shepherding entity;

and now that an overpowering destruction

has newly appeared; they stand to loose all

the sequences they have built so far. What

should they do? If they go against the

overpowering destruction, they will be

killed, and the void generated won't be

filled with a replacement of all these

segments by the shepherding entity but

instead with just the base or initial

sequence; or with perfect non human

When high good fragments do

exist which then generate a human

segment; then that human segment is in a

good position to fight and to go into a death

spiral with the overpowering destruction,

since it is continually being re-generated by

the high part generating this human

material, (with that high part itself not

fighting with the overpowering


The fighting human segment would

bring the overpowering destruction down

from overpowering, to medium; so that

even if a shepherding entity wasn't able

to get to it to 3d sort it; it would still

separate in its forces due to being at

medium level.

So the first thing to do, is to form a union

with the shepherding entity, and form a

presence in the high good parts.

Ruminating at medium level is how human

material separates in its forces and

generates a presence in the high good

entity. So, human material that doesn't have

a union with the shepherding entity, should

not fight, but should seek first that union

with the shepherding entity. But once

human material has a representation in the

high good entity that keeps regenerating

it; then is the time for this human material

to fight and go into death spirals with

overpowering destructions. But there is a

good way and a not so good way to do this.

When fragments of the high good entity

are generating human material: if they

generate medium level human material,

then after that material has gone into a

death spiral, it will be at low level, which

will need to be rescued by a shepherding

entity. But if instead, the high good entity

generates human material at a high level;

then after it goes into a death spiral with an

evenly matched overpowering destruction,

both will be at medium level; whence it can

break off its attack, ruminate at medium

level, and separate in its forces with the all

good generated returning to the high good

entity, thus making a new representation in

the high good entity for this latest segment

of the human material. So that medium

level human material shouldn't fight, but

high level human material should fight. And

in response to an overpowering destruction;

the good entity should generate High level

human material of a next segment, so it

can fight; and then enter a cease fighting

mode at medium, whence it returns to the

high good entity as its forces separate.

The thing is, that when a human hunger is

not complete when an overpowering

destruction sets in, that the older high part

segments that are in the hands of the

shepherding entity, do continually generate

Human material of the newest segment. So

that no matter how often the overpowering

destruction destroys completely the human

material of the newest segment; the same

or almost the same human material does

replace it.

(Just like as humans, our cells die off and

are replaced by new cells, so that after a

time, we are not the same exact person we

were before. And even with the nerve cells

that don't cycle in this replacement; they

change and continually form new synapses,

and loose older synapses. So that it can

truly be said that we are not the same

person we were a time ago. That constancy

of person is something we never had in the

first place, as imperfect human beings.)

So that there is never a void in the newest

segment; but always human material. -That

as previously stated, goes into a death

spiral with the more powerful

overpowering destruction, greatly softening

it up by injecting some destruction into its

power, due to the natural law that

destruction eats power so the

'overpowering' destruction is no longer

anywhere near overpowering, so that the

shepherding entity can now handle it. And

even if the once overpowering destruction

completely destroyed all the human

material of the newest segment; the prior

older high segments would just generate

the same or nearly the same human

material to replace it.

So, in one path, (as human material only),

you may go on for awhile and get a few

things accomplished; but will be cut short

when an overpowering destruction pops up.

What is a more sure path, is forming a

joint entity with the shepherding entity and

representations in the high good parts.

Then that accomplishes much more.

(Quoting from the Bible: 'know ye not, ye

must be born again'.)

So the thing for these sequences without

good entity backing, under attack, to do

is -even though they are being decimated

into swiss cheese; for the remnants to keep

mindlessly fighting to the end (oops, this is

not to be done until these remnants secure a

place with the high all good parts, which

will most likely have a hodgepodge

representation). Then let the fighting


This purpose of fighting and sticking it to

the overpowering destruction, is all this

hodgepodge has left: as completing a

human hunger (that they are assorted

segments of), is highly unlikely due to their

disconnected hodgepodge nature; that is,

until they form a complete joint entity with

the shepherding entity. -There they can

achieve the purpose of completing a human

hunger satisfaction, which is what they

started out as. But until then, they might as

well put it out of their mind, and not expect

that, and work instead on this other

purpose, of sticking it to the overpowering

destruction, instead (that is, after they form

representations in the high parts). This is

what unfortunately happens to a set of

sequential hunger satisfaction sequences

that don't have a joint entity with the

shepherding entity, and when they come

across an overpowering destruction.

What I think is a central point, is that it isn't

enough to just be human material. What's

needed in addition, is a representation in

the all good entity, so that the part in the

good entity will continually generate the

same human fragment as older parts of this

human fragment are destroyed down by

destructions. Otherwise, human fragments

would be completely changed and totally

destroyed, and unable to boldly go up

against the destructions present in the

human area. This doesn't mean human

material without a good entity

representation behind it, is worthless; just

that it needs to seek that representation and

not do any fighting against destructions in

the human area until it first finds that joint

venture with the all good entity. When

destruction brings human material without

a good connection, low, but not totally

destroyed to nothingness; an outside

shepherding entity is needed to bring that

low human material to medium level. And

once that is done, there is human material

at medium level.

When high level human material fights

against overpowering human destructions,

and all is brought down to medium level;

then here we also have human material at

medium level.

And when a good part is done generating

high level human material, because the

once overpowering human destruction has

been deal with; and it then proceeds to

generate medium human material: then

here again, is human material at medium

level. No matter how it gets there, human

material at Medium level, soon separates

into all good and all destructive. The all

destructive soon self consumes when 3d

sorted, but the all good forms part of a

good entity; and the human material no

longer exists (as its good parts have gone to

be part of the all good entity). Only human

material that is rich or poor sticks around as

human material for long.
Now, human material at medium, does

soon become high good material. But if

the human material at medium is from an

incomplete segment of human hunger or

activity; due to denials, adversity, and

destructions (often found in human life):

then the high part generated from this

will be incomplete in the human

component; so that the material it then goes

on to generate, will be human material of

the next segment of the human hunger or

activity. As that human material is

shepherded to medium level, it too goes to

high good parts, so that this latest segment

now has a representation in the good entity.

Since human material at medium soon

decomposes to all good and bad; the human

hunger may not have had time to be

completed; and this is another reason this

keeps cycling from the human side, to the

all good side, back to the human side, etc.

-(But when this is happening; don't prevent

the human material from decomposing to

become a good fragment/segment so that

you can uninterruptedly finish satisfying

the human hunger; As that prevents the

human material here from having its all

good representation. -Instead, allow that

human material to interrupt your human

hunger satisfaction as it decomposes into a

good part segment, which later then

generates the next human hunger segment;

and eventually your human hunger will be

satisfied in both the good plane, and human


With representations of all good entity

eventually shadowing each segment of

the human activity/hunger satisfaction,

and the human side seeking medium level:

the human hunger is eventually completed,

(irregardless of how the human world tried

to stop or prevent it). One would think the

human material would then fade away into

the all good entity. But as long as there are

these fragmented segments of the all good

entity generating their fragment of the

human material; there just keeps being new

human material that continually replaces

the human material that completes its

satisfaction and fades away. So what is

needed next, is for these separate segments

of high good part material, to grow together

and join together as one complete unit in

the all good plane; and once this happens,

this complete good entity satisfies its needs

through a high good way, and no longer

generates these human segments.
As human material proceeds at medium

level, it decomposes into, or does generate,

all destructions (among other things (like

all goods)). Now, why would a

shepherding entity want to come in to 3d

sort and so defile itself, when this human

material itself can act as an amateur

shepherding entity, and can send the all

destructions it generates (because it is

decomposing at medium level) to the same

place in accordance with 3 d sorting? So,

the shepherding entity doesn't come in in

this initial stage.

Now, this human material may keep going

on, and may complete its hunger, and may

separate in its forces and fade away

(leaving nothing in the human area). But if

it runs into an overpowering destruction at

any time or part of its sequence, then this

human material then acts to no longer

remove the all destructive it generates to

the all destructive pile in accordance with

3d sorting, but instead, delivers it (probably

in violation of 3d sorting), unto the

overpowering destruction; and also has its

activity level ramped up so it is at high

level so it generates lots of destruction to

deliver to the overpowering destruction.

As it does this, it, and the overpowering

destruction do go down in a death spiral.

Here is where the shepherding entity steps

in and 3d sorts off the now not so

overpowering destruction, and other

destructions, and restores remnant human

material to medium level, so the human

material here in this now older segment

no longer handles the destructions it

generates as that is now done for it by the

shepherding entity, due to the involvement

of the shepherding entity; and this older

segment doesn't revert back to letting its

human material deliver destructions to the

same overpowering destruction that still

exists in the newer segments.
Now then; the idea of sticking an

overpowering destruction with the all

destructions generated by decomposing

human material at medium; doesn't have to

be a violation of 3d sorting, since both can

be all destructive. And even if it is in line

with 3d sorting, it is a good activity. But

what I was thinking was that an

overpowering destruction might cloak itself

with trapped human material so as to be

classified also as human material, so that it

would be a violation of 3d sorting to dump

our All destructives on it. (And that since it

is overpowering, it is able to resist the

actions of the shepherding entity.) Every

destructive thing which has a little bit of

good in it, we are obligated to raise (only

the good part as much as possible) to

medium level (while we don't help at all,

any all destructive part). But we don't want

these mainly destructive things to go to

high level, ie to be overpowering. So that

we generate high level human material to

dump their all destructives here in violation

of 3d sorting (since human material, even

thinly veiled human material, shouldn't

have All destructives dumped on it, since

they aren't the same things in a sorting

mentality). So in this case we as humans

have an advantage over higher forces that

are bound to uphold 3 d sorting, as we as

meager, transient, already violating,

humans have nothing to loose. So that the

natural law that destruction consumes all

power, even the power of 'overpowering'

destruction, will be enacted; and the

overpowering destruction will thus be dealt

Now, once the overpowering destruction's

power is burned down to not so

overpowering (by the human entity

delivering to it the destructions it

generates); then the shepherding entity can

come in and 3d sort it. And after the

shepherding entity 3 d sorts it, And also

sorts off the all destructive material that the

human entity generates (so that the human

entity no longer delivers this destructive

material to anything); Then the human

material is no longer run at high activity

level, as there is no longer a need to

generate lots of all destruction since there

is no longer an overpowering destruction to

deliver it to. -So one might think the

remaining human material should just fade

away. But although the human material

isn't run at high activity level, it is still run

at medium level, since that it what human

material needs, and hence, that is its resting

level, and it doesn't fade away to nothing

until it frees itself from its human state and

separates into all good and all destructive

-ie, it doesn't strand itself in barrenness by

lowering its activity level to nothing.
One may be repulsed by the human material

they do, in that it isn't perfect, and does

contain ugly destruction. But don't in

response, shut down and do little, because

that just traps this human life in barrenness.

Instead, do that human life at medium

level, anyway (even though it isn't perfect

and contains some ugly stuff); and at the

medium level, these forces will separate,

and the ugly evil will be removed by self

Note that it isn't the same entity that handles

the all destructive material that the human

entities generate. When an overpowering

destruction is around, the shepherding

entity mainly steps back and it is the

'trapped' human material that handles the

all-destruction it generates. But after the

overpowering destruction is burned down

to a manageable size (by the 'trapped'

human material dumping its all destructive

material on it), then the remaining human

material relinquishes that handling of the

all destruction it generates, back to the

shepherding entity, which does act in

accordance with 3 d sorting (unlike the

human material). The same entity doesn't

do both these things. It is two different

entities, the shepherding entity, and then

the human material entity that do trade off

with each other (within us).
Now then; the overpowering destructions

we may encounter, sometimes are

represented by actual human beings, who

are rich and powerful and also mean,

demanding, and destructive. Sometimes

one, as human material, may wonder how

they are to deliver the all destructive that

they generate when they are at medium

level, unto this mean and powerful person.

Well, the thing about most mean and

powerful people, is that they mark off areas

of you that they claim do not belong to you,

but belong to them instead. (How else do

you think they become rich and powerful?)

So that there is no need to try to track

down these mean and powerful people,

when there are areas within yourself that

belong to these people, right inside of you.

So, just dump the all destruction you

generate from your human activities at

medium, there, within yourself, first. And

then when that burns down, relinquish the

Handling of the all destructive you

generate (from the doing of your human

things at medium level); to your

shepherding entity, which no longer

violates 3 d sorting, like you have (of

necessity), done.x
Second repeat segment:
In this out of place insert, I was reading in

the philosophy section, and discovered the

argument about if there is evil in the world,

that proves that there is no benevolent, all

powerful omnipresent God. -That either he

wants to remove all evil, but can't (and is

therefore not all powerful); or he IS able,

but doesn't want to (making him


But my answer to this is that God IS dealing

with the evil in this world; and that the

situation we see today of God to be

nowhere in sight, with evil running freely

about with no almighty Godly intervention,

IS the process whereby God is successfully

dealing with all the evil. Because

evil/destruction is a parasitic force and not

self sufficient; by just leaving it alone, it

self eliminates. For an almighty or God the

Father to come down in power and

richness/love to confront evil/destruction,

would just provide the material for the

force of evil/destruction to grow. So that

Gods presence would just perpetuate and

encourage/grow evil. So to eliminate evil,

almighty God acts by staying away; and

sends a lesser powered representative,

Jesus Christ, to separate these all-evils off

human actions so the evil is totally isolated

and can self eliminate. -these evils that

keep popping up due to people's free will,

whereby they are learning to advance to be

more and more powerful as well as good.

Now because the moral evils perpetrated

by humans, demarks areas where God stays

away in his process of eliminating evil;

then natural destructions that occur in these

same areas don't change that. Hence

Christ's words about natural evils that the

people caught in them aren't any more

sinful than others, but that those not in him

will all likewise perish; indicating that

those who are in him, have the presence of

God to protect them; not on this earth, but

in that they die and are resurrected again in

perfection in him. So that from a

philosophical sense, there is no trouble

with the existence of an almighty

benevolent God; although He is

deliberately not omnipresent; as a tool to

remove evil.

However, God is omnipresent if you count

Jesus and the rest of us underlings who

work in the name of Jesus.


Consider that goodness, growth, and being

kind to one another, is a better force than

the force of destruction, death, decay, and

being mean to each other.

(To do this, we consider all the possibilities)

Let's consider a universe of only the force

of destruction and death. As death

/destruction progress, they take whatever is

alive, and kill it, so that where life once

was, now exists (is produced) nothing and

nothingness. Pretty soon, life becomes in

short supply, while a whole lot of empty

space and inanimate material is left behind.

After awhile, all the life is killed, and then

what? With no life left to kill, the force of

destruction comes to a stop (no more

destroying can be done).

Now consider the force of good-and

-growth as being the only force around. As

this force acts, it takes nothingness/lifeless

matter (dust), and creates Life in its place.

Soon everything starts to come alive. Pretty

soon we begin to run out of improvements

to make. Emptiness and undeveloped raw

material (dust) starts to come into short

supply. If everything is alive, then no more

growth/goodness can be done, and thus the

force of good is stopped, right? Well,

there's not so much an absolute ceiling, as

there is an absolute bottom. You see, life

forms can advance/be advanced and

become ever more capable and alive; and

this thus continues the force of good. And,

a universe that is alive (full of life), is very

capable -able to do lots of things, (unlike a

barren universe consisting of nothingness).

And with that life/capability, it can bridge

barriers and reach new raw material (dust)

that had previously been separated from it

by a barrier.
ALSO, it takes life-and-capability to do or

be either 'the force of good-and-growth', or

'the force of destruction'. The lack of life

can't do/be either force. Since what the

force of good produces is life, such life can

continue to do forces. But since what the

force of destruction produces is death and

nothingness and voids in life; since this

cannot do or support either force, then the

force of destruction alone is destined to a

quick end while the force of good and

growth alone is destined to continue.

ALSO, since only life can do-be either

force: When destruction experiences what

it produces, or is applied to itself, it doesn't

grow, but instead shrinks to nothing. But

when goodness experiences what it

produces, (when goodness is good to itself)

it does not die, but instead, grows. So, the

force of destruction needs something other

than just itself to exist (is a parasitic force),

while the force of good does not and is self

sufficient with just itself. This is an

advantage: -When the force of destruction

can be escaped from; (the good separated

from the destructive); that which is

destructive, when alone, burns itself out,

finds itself boxed in by barriers, and ceases

to exist; Whereas the good alone, survives,

bridges barriers, and continues to grow.

From this we can see that good and growth,

is a superior force to the force of death and

Inputs and outputs:

-that the force of destruction takes in that

which is alive as its input/raw material; and

produces voids-in-life / inanimate material

as its output, as what it produces.

-That the force of goodness/growth takes in

voids-in-life and inanimate material, as its

input/raw material; and produces -life- as

its output and what it produces.

With these concepts in mind let's consider

the situation of the force of destruction in a

rich environment. Not only does this force

have plenty of its raw material or input

(life), present here in the rich environment;

-destruction also has what supports what

either force is made of (which is also, life).

Thus here the force of death-and

-destruction can grow rapidly and become

quite large here, in a rich environment.

Let us now consider the reverse situation:

-that is with the force of Goodness-and

-growth in a barren environment. Here the

force of goodness has an abundance of its

input/raw material (that being voids in

life/inanimate material), but unlike the

previous situation, it doesn't have an

abundance of what supports what either

force is made of (which is life). So here,

even though it has plenty of its input/raw

material, this force of goodness isn't able to

grow rapidly at least not right away, -until

it is able to generate enough life from the

inanimate to support what it is made of.

With both the forces at low ability, neither

is able to do much, so the force of good is

unable to get away from the force of

destruction, thus preserving the

togetherness of the 2 forces in the barren

situation. Hence in neither a rich nor barren

environment can the forces separate.xx

When both forces are around, the

force of good generates life for the force of

destruction to feed on and destroy as it

survives. (and the force of death/decay

generates voids, which the force of good

uses as its starting material.) This is the

way things are here on earth. And both the

forces of; good, and destruction, have an

easy time finding material to work with

(compared to if they were alone). /
Here on earth, we live with what is

destructive and also that which is good and

growing. In this respect, we often do

actions which contain both goodness and

growth and also destructiveness in the same

action (impacting upon different areas).

These actions I would term 'human

actions' (also referred to as 'gray actions' ).

These human areas are hopelessly a mixture

of both goodness and destruction (at our

level of ability we're unable to separate the

forces), and there is no purity of action in

them, as they contain both goodness as well

as destructiveness inescapably intertwined

in the same action. These mainly center

around human hungers and needs. So that

whether or not a human action is done,

partially done, or refrained from; some

destruction is always present, just in

different areas. Like when we eat, this is

good for our survival, but at the same time,

destructive to the plant or animal we ate.

But if we don't eat, that is good for the

plant or animal we don't eat, but bad for us

as we starve.

When we humans are going about our daily

lives, most of what we do is neither all

good nor all destructive but is usually some

of both. And this is due to that the human

ways/actions available to us usually contain

both goodness and also destructiveness as

part of the same action. So that we produce

both life and voids in life, which tends to

result in a medium environment (between

rich and barren). And in our medium

environment, the Destructiveness force

(which is one part of our human ways),

doesn't have access to an excessive amount

of its input (which is life), and doesn't have

access to an excessive amount of what it

can be made of (which is also life). It is

thus NOT able to grow incredibly rapidly

(like it would in a rich environment). We

are thus able to avoid and get away from it.

(When we get away from it, it(destruction)

no longer has a source of good to feed it. It

is alone, and alone it consumes itself and

dies, unlike when good is alone and is able

to survive when alone.) Here we can see

how a medium ability environment is

useful where evil is present that needs

separating away, to separate the forces.

Here we're able to get away and separate

from the evil, whereas in a rich

environment the evil would grow too fast

for us to do so. (And in a barren

environment, the directive of good has no

special advantage or fast growth; (it thus

remains unable to get away/separate from

the destruction it is with); so that won't

help either).
Also, in a rich environment; not only is

destruction's input in huge supply; good's

input is scarce. Since when rich, one

already has everything they want pretty

much; one's activity of achieving good,

is atrophied, because already having

everything; one doesn't exercise

their activity of producing good things.

And if you don't use it, you loose it.

Whereas at medium level, both forces are

on an equal opportunity level; that is, a

more level playing field concerning the

opportunity for active doing of good

actions vs destructive actions.

(We can see that neither rich nor barren

environments are effective, but that

medium, middle environments are

effective.) And once separate from the evil,

the evil has no food supply and it burns

itself out and disappears, while the good

The effect of Rules on human actions:
When an area receives destruction all the

time, it becomes barren and desolate.

When an area receives goodness all the

time, it becomes rich and at high ability.

This is what is created when rules are

applied to a gray action, even though gray

actions contain both goodness, and also


Rules put a structure to the gray actions so

that their goodness and destructions are

fixed to the same areas; unlike a haphazard

doing of the gray actions under no rules.

When an area receives destruction some of

the time and goodness other times, then the

area becomes of medium ability -neither

desolate nor rich. This is what results when

no absolute rules are applied to a gray

action, since gray actions contain both

goodness and destructiveness.

When rules are applied to gray actions, the

destructiveness of the gray action is

segregated to one area while the goodness

of a gray action is segregated to other

areas, so that a patchwork of desolate

environments and rich environments is the

In this tangent, please consider that since

enforcing rules over the gray areas of living

life causes a patchwork of rich and barren

environments(rules structure and FIX

WHERE the good; and destruction,

respectively, of a gray action, are done):

my question is, why do we scrape together

these rich environments where there is the

force of destruction nearby -(as destruction

is inescapably a part of all gray actions at

our level of ability)?

This will just result in successive firestorms

where the gray actions' destructiveness

burns down the rich parts of the patchwork.

All this does is feed evil/destructiveness.

As for myself, I do not wish to succor and

feed the force of destructiveness.
Now then: when human/gray material

ruminates at medium level, eventually its

forces do separate -into more all-good vs

all-destructive areas. And this is

similar to the rich and barren areas

generated by rules imposed on gray/human

actions. But the difference is that the

human material passes on into these

separate good and destructive entities, and

doesn't remain to connect good and

destruction, so that there is an actual

separation; in the ruminating human

material at medium. But in the human

material under rules at rich and barren,

there is no actual separation, and the human

material remains as human material still

containing both good and destruction

intertwined, so that the destructive force

has that (human) connection to burn the

good and rich down. It is a difference

between all good material vs human

material vs all destructive material. That

which is all good and rich, needs to be

separated from the destructive force; but

that isn't achieved when human material is

connected because human material

inescapably contains some of the

destructive force, which will burn down the

rich area connected to it. End 'now then'.
Now, when we've perfected area and are

satisfied with it, we usually keep it the way

it is and don't change it. Here we shut off

alternative possibilities and stick with what

we've got. But if an area is a work in

progress and is imperfect, such as the gray

areas of human hungers, then on

the contrary, we don't want to preserve it

and keep it the way it is but instead, are

open to change. Here we're open to all the

possibilities and are not so quick to shut out

possibilities by applying absolute rules in

order to select just one way. By applying

detailed absolute rules to these imperfect

human hunger areas and ascribing those

rules to God; does then tie God to, and

makes God an owner of the imperfection of

these imperfect areas that are fixed in place

in their imperfection by these absolute

rules. Who would do such a thing? God,

who is Holy separate from the imperfection

of our human morass; so much so that no

man has seen hide nor hair of God and

lived to tell about it, except of course for

Abraham, who it is reported, claimed to

meet with God and bring down His 10

commandments? -and then, also, Jesus,

who solves this dilemma by taking the rap

for All human imperfections (many that

have been fixed in place by absolute rules).

-Do not be afraid to bring out and do your

imperfect human hungers at medium level,

just because of a claim that you will be

offending God's absolute rules. -Do not

lower your doing of your imperfect

human hungers to low and barren level

because of a fear of violating 2dimensional

absolute rules over your human hungers

some of which are claimed to be from God;

because by doing so, you will just preserve

the evil in your human hungers and be

trapped by your human hungers; because at

low levels, the forces within your imperfect

human hungers won't be able to separate,

and the good in these imperfect human

hungers will be trapped there as imperfect

human material and won't be able to pass

on to the perfect high parts.
Now, in spite of my disapproving words

about absolute rules: a set of 3 dimensional

sorting actions based on separating what

is destructive from that which is good,

kind, and growing: is still a helpful

thing to do, and worthy of having God

behind it. Just realize that these rules can

easily be distorted into a 2 dimensional

form that is no better than the imperfect

human life it tries to sort.
End repeated segment.


What can one person do? What can one

person do when there are labs and scientists

and a whole system that could do so much

more? Unfortunately, the system of ours is

flawed in one aspect. The flaw I speak of is

in our free enterprise system of supply and

demand. Supply and demand serves us well

in distributing resources to where they are

needed, to produce products that are in

demand. The flip side to this is that nothing

can be super abundant relative to other

things in this system. If something is too

abundant, supply will exceed demand, and

its price will go down. Resources used to

produce this product will be directed

elsewhere, where they can make more


This system encourages a negative

motivation of creating shortages where

abundance existed before: If a commodity

is abundant and bountiful, there is no way

to make a profit on it (too much supply

means prices go down). But if that resource

can be destroyed through pollution or some

other bad management, then it can be

reduced to a limited supply, whereby it can

be (monopolized and) sold for a profit.

(Supply being reduced means prices, and

profits, go up.) This is what I mean by 'the

negative motivator of creating markets

where none existed before'. There is the

motivation to take things that were once

abundant, and partially destroy them so the

supply is more limited, and money can then

be made on them. Our system will never

achieve abundance because there will

always be the temptation to destroy some

of that abundance to make money.

Since our system doesn't work when things

become too abundant and plentiful; this is

why we have so many useless management

positions and bureaucracies (where people

make life difficult for each other). If we all

worked on production lines, we'd produce

too much and blow out our system with too

many plentiful supplies.

Our economic system takes abundance and

cuts it down to a more limited supply (for a

better profit). So instead of being at high

capability, our system brings us to medium

capability. Thus our economic system

works to keep us and our world at reduced

capability, in the trap of evil. This sucks!

Also, even when there is a sound production

producing economically, a product that

everybody needs and making a good profit:

that is spoiled by wall street buying and

selling this company on the stock market.

One big money tycoon buys this company,

then another tycoon buys it from him, and

another, and another. They take out loans

to do this, so that they attach a big debt

load to this good production, so that the

slightest downturn makes this good

production unable to meet its debt

obligations, thus bankrupting a perfectly

good and sound production. This sucks.

But wait a minute. This does not suck. This

is just what the Dr ordered. In order to get

us out of our human hungers and the gray

evils which go along with them, an

environment of reduced and medium

ability is just what is needed. And this

economic money system naturally seeks

the medium level. This is the area of

coexistence between the money system and

the force of good system. The force of

good system also seeks to bring medium

ability to where there are human hunger

evils, (and also goods). However, once a

thing has been freed from its human hunger

evils, it becomes rich and of high ability,

and needs to be removed from the money

system, otherwise it will just be pulled

down again. At this point, the money

system and the force of good system part

ways and do not share a common path; and

the perfected force of good here needs to

part ways and get away from this now

detrimental money system.
The term 'republic' means a balance of

powers. One might hope that the extension

of the word 'republic' to 'republican' would

carry this over. The free enterprise system

of supply and demand and the business

world, is one powerhouse. It needs to be

balanced against another source of power;

that of the government. If one eliminates

government; one will not be left with a

utopia, as the marxist's claim when the

state withers away; nor with freedom, as

the republicans say. No, one is forgetting

the other source of power, that of big

business, that will remain after the

government is shrunk to nothing. With

nothing to balance its power; the absolute

power of big business will then monopolize

us and corrupt us absolutely.
As the purpose of the free enterprise system

of supply and demand is to seek the

medium level; to have a balance of powers;

also helps in the purpose of seeking the

medium level.
Unfortunately, a psychological factor enters

in here that instead of seeking the medium

level, seeks barrenness; when big business

is the only power around:
In order to modify behavior using

rewards, one must first have a reward. If

one doesn't have much, or wishes to make

what they do have go further as a reward,

they can manipulate the environment to

make this more favorable.

In B.F. Skinners operant conditioning, a rat

was trained by using food pellets or

droppersfull of water to reward the rat for

modifying its behavior (after initially

training the rat to get the reward with an

associated stimulus).

But in order for the food pellet or water to

become a reward, the researcher would

deny the rat these things the night, or a

couple of nights before, so that the rat was

really thirsty or hungry by the time the

researcher worked with it. This denial of a

positive thing, is defined to be a

punishment -and not associated with any

behavior the rat did. This punishment was

not attempting to modify any behavior of

the rat: its purpose was instead, to turn the

water or food pellet in the hand of the

researcher, into a reward in the rat's mind.

In our society today, I feel we have relied

excessively heavily on this operant

conditioning psychology to modify human

behavior. You see, even a person's place in

the greater society; is made to be a

privilege and a reward itself. So, in our

society, being allowed to be a part of the

group is denied to newcomers just as a

matter of policy in order to make them

hungry for this: so it can be used as a

reward to modify behavior; doled out as

rewards to those who modify their behavior

favorably. Since teenagers are newcomers,

as they didn't even exist before 19 years

ago, they must be starved and made hungry

for their places in the greater society; for

this operant conditioning to work (that their

future place in society is a reward to be

Now, if we understand this, we can know

that (corporate) society is not leaving us

alone, but is punishing us, not for anything

we have done; but in a blanket action to all

who haven't secured a place with them, in

order to make us hungry. So now, we no

longer need wonder why we are being

punished when we haven't done anything

wrong. We are punished, as part of a

mechanism to control us.

In considering what is the problem

concerning the issue of poverty, it makes a

difference from who's perspective one is

looking. To the poor person, the problem

is: not having enough for basic survival

needs. To the government, the ruling class,

or the larger society; the problems with

poverty may be quite different. To be blunt,

poverty serves a purpose and has a

function. One possibility of dividing up the

economic goods we produce, is to divide

them equally. However, in order to

generate big rewards which are useful to

motivate the masses to chase after them by

doing the ruling class's bidding: one group

must accept less than the equal share so

another group can be enriched and receive

a big reward. Those who must accept less,

(that is the reward given for menial labor),

are understandably displeased. But to get

them to accept the menial reward in spite of

this a more dire alternative is shown them

-that of abject poverty. Poverty serves the

purpose of motivating those designated to

receive the menial reward, to accept this

their place, in spite of its lack of luster. So

for the ruling class, the problem with

poverty in the US today is that there isn't

enough of it; as our current reward system

depends on a certain amount of it to help it

run. Hence poverty persists in the US, more

than in other industrialized countries like

Canada and Western Europe even though

these countries are less wealthy than the

US. The incessant attacks by republicans

against welfare and foodstamps, are just

complaints by big business against our

government for spoiling the poverty that

makes their system run most effectively.

That abject poverty is just the price we pay

for letting big business have their

unchecked way with us for them to do as

they will with us.

Here we see that the workings of the money

system rely on poverty, barrenness, and

pain in order to make their system work.

But this is actually fine and represents a

common area within the confines of

maintaining medium ability. However,

oftentimes the money system wants to take

it to the next level. They want to achieve

additional richness, and to do so they

employ more pain and suffering and

poverty in order to achieve this. This

results in barrenness, which is not

conducive to separating the forces or

generating rich free material; and

the system thus collapses and breaks down,

because the attempt to achieve increasing

richness actually causes the collapse due to

the shift from medium ability to barrenness

in the working class environment.

So now we say that although there can be

common ground between the money

system and the force of good system; the

money/greed system is unstable and must

be watched and is also not the whole

picture; and once human hunger materials

have been freed and gone to high

capability; this material needs to be

protected from the money system.

Do not try to shift the focus away from what

big business is doing and how its dynamic

needs poverty: I am not against rich people

having their toys and living the high life,

that is more than what the lower class is

allowed: except when it reaches the

extreme of having others go hungry and

live in pain. Ie, if big business falls away

from seeking the medium level, but instead

seeks barrenness; then it has lost its only

purpose, and needs to be changed. -And big

business can easily fall off seeking the

medium level due to an excessive reliance

on and use of pain and poverty as its

psychological motivator to make its system

run. 'Just crack the whip a little harder, and

we can become even richer, right?' -Wrong.

Sunshine, water and sometimes fish are

commodities that can be plentiful without

human help. When they are abundant, no

money can be made from them because

supply so greatly exceeds demand. Yet we

all benefit greatly from them (and for free

too). But if someone were to come in and

destroy or pollute these resources so there

was a more limited supply, then money

could be made selling the remaining

supply./ We will never make things

abundant in our economic system, because

the temptation is always to make things

less abundant so as to get rich.

Supply and Demand supposedly helps us

distribute resources where they're needed.

When there's a shortage of something,

people will pay more for it, and the price

goes up. Those who produce the product

make more money doing so. Others see the

opportunity to make good money and join

in the production. More product is

produced, and the shortage is alleviated.

This is how supply and demand is proposed

to work for our benefit. But it doesn't


There's a fault in supply and demand: If

people don't have enough money in their

pockets for the (prices of) the products out

there, then supply and demand won't work

(to alleviate shortages). The core idea was

that people can make more money when

there is a shortage of a product everybody's

got to have. But higher prices for a product

don't necessarily mean more money will be

made. If there's a lack of money in people's

pockets, they'll just be forced to buy less.

It's not that starving people don't want to

buy food; it's just that if they have no

money, a demand for food won't show up

in economic terms. Here is a failure to

seek the medium level. And it is because

of the psychological factor of using poverty

as a motivator to make the system run and

keep us in line with their control, that it is

allowed and even encouraged to persist.
Note that you may be impressed by riches

and power. Don't be. God is not. God is

rich and powerful, but He doesn't show His

face around here. And do you know why?

Because He knows that richness and power

can't protect you from evil/destruction; in

fact it is a magnate for destruction because

that is the force of destruction's input and

the food it needs to exist. So that if one is

to be rich long term, they must also be free

of destruction and destructiveness. But

those here on earth who are rich and

powerful but who are also mean and

destructive (mainly because they have

become rich and powerful by meanly and

destructively removing the goods and

power of others); these people have not

freed their richness from the force of

destructiveness; and their richness will

eventually be burned down by the

destructiveness they have not become free


And this includes powerful

organizations that claim the authority of

God as their own; since the authority of

God should not be anywhere near the evil

of this earth, but should be away from,

separate, and holy, away from the evil of

this earth. That is, it should not be based

here on this corrupt earth (but at the right

hand of God, up in heaven).xx
If you find yourself as a small good part

surrounded by the destructive force;

perhaps as a result of an imperfect

separation of human material ruminating at

medium, where you ended up on the bad

side of an economic separation; or perhaps

as a result of rules applied to human

material, you find your human material on

the receiving end where rules have fixed

the output of the destructive force that is

part of human actions; or perhaps as a

result of 2 dimensional sorting, you as

human material are sorted to the 'bad' side.

No mater how it happens, if you find

yourself as a small good surrounded by

overwhelming destruction, then there is just

one thing left to do. Now, the act to sort

you, a small good, or the small good part of

your human material, to be surrounded by

all this badness, suggests that you are also

bad. But that is actually Not the case. The

small good which is you, actually feeds all

the surrounding badness, so that it

continues to exist. The one thing left to do

then, is to turn the small goodness that is in

you, also to bad, so that the whole thing

becomes all bad and thus self consumes

and disappears. (And this consumption

occurs even against a rich overpowering

badness, especially, since richness is

destruction's food.) And this should be done

with the backing of a newly rich part of the

separation so that the former small good

part of you, keeps being replenished and

restored so it is not completely destroyed.

Once the overpowering surrounding

destructive force is burned down to not so

overpowering, the small good part can

cease its destructive mode and become

good again.

(Don't bother trying to escape from all the

surrounding overpowering destruction with

your small good part: because all the other

good that has been able to get separate and

away from that destruction, has already

done so; and it is your small good part

which has been unable to get separate and

away from all this destruction. So that that

avenue has already been tried and is not

available to your small good part. -(If your

human material has been at medium level,

then the forces have already had the

opportunity to separate; and possibly has

already created the imperfect separation

that puts you in the position you're in.)

So that the only thing available to you, is to

no longer feed all that surrounding

destruction with your small good, but to

temporarily turn it bad, so the whole thing

burns down due to it being all evil with no

good whatsoever.)
Now, the trigger to when one turns their

small good part destructive, isn't just

because of the presence of some

evil/destruction, because at medium level

with human material, some evil/destruction

is always part of human material. No, the

trigger is when the evil/destruction is

overpowering and all surrounding, and

there is no other option. So that one isn't

always going off into destructive tantrums

all the time at the drop of a hat, but

reserves that for overpowering,

overwhelming destructions. And with this,

the act of Jesus clearing the temple of the

money changers, may be validated.

Now then, all this needs to be tempered

with the realization that we are all mostly

not real, or that we are barely real. That we

don't really exist much at all, even though

our brains tell us that we do. And that what

is real, and does really exist, is our

representation in a full of life area where all

possibilities of life are represented. So that

the economic acts of those seeking to be

rich which also have a heavy use of

destructiveness used to generate that

richness, (by removing goods and services

from others); are of no value to a full of life

area, because of the destructiveness they

contain. Also, neither are they helpful in

generating a full of life area from out of our

own present situation. So that for the most

part, they are a total waste, and a

hindrance, and won't amount to anything

in the end. They are barriers we will have

to overcome or avoid in our own attempt to

generate an all good area out of this present

situation. Since they prevent our area from

developing towards an all good, full of life

area, they must be fought against and

overcome by us smaller powered

individuals. But for us smaller powered

individuals doing so, it is also

helpful to realize our lack of reality. If we

are able to do physical things against these

economic overpowering destructions, then

we can do that with impunity. But we

realize that the more important and more

real item to do, is to act against them in our

minds. So that we should first burn them

down in our minds, and if we are unable to

do anything physically, it doesn't matter so

much. Because the physical that is outside

of our minds is even less real than the

barely real physical of our minds. But even

that small amount of reality is still of value,

and we should act with it to favor goodness

if we can; but that it should not be put in

greater priority than it is. Like when a

person steals, the destruction they have

done in that stealing, is often dwarfed by the

destruction the penal system does to their

physical mind. But of course, the whole

thing is hardly real anyway; none of it to

find its way to be part of any all good,

full of life area (due to the destructiveness

it all contains). The prioritizing of things

and respecting the possessions of the rich,

over the human minds of the rest of us; is a

barrier that we must overcome in our

attempt at generating an all good area from

our present situation. We would do well to

reverse this prioritization.
Now, especially because we are barely real,

the only thing left for us to do as life on the

edge, is to put us at medium ability and

maintain medium levels for us. So this is

where the system of rescuing lower

material fits in. But this often clashes with

another system to use pain and barrenness

as a motivator for its control mechanism.

Here, rules over human actions often direct

the destructive parts of these human

actions, to specific areas so as to generate

barrenness, which is used to make people

hungry so they will do the bidding of those

who dole out meager rewards. And all it

takes is one soft hearted liberal to step in

and rescue these barren areas up to

medium, which thus messes up the control

mechanisms that are trying to act. So yes,

we should step in and rescue these low

areas; because medium level, is all we as

barely real life has. It is the only thing

worthwhile, as those who are trying to

control something and accomplish

something through a control that uses

barrenness; aren't even accomplishing

anything real, because it is mostly not real,

except for the barrenness, which should be

medium level instead. That (medium level)

is the only real thing that we can have as

barely real life.
And expectations have no place here. They

may show us riches and try to bring us

low by showing us what we are expected to

live up to or produce, so that we must bring

ourselves low, and suffer, to produce all we

are expected to produce: but that is just the

ruse. The putting our imperfect human life

low, and not at medium level is the fatal

error that dooms anything from this right

from the start. They are misrepresenting a

broken system as an object of achievement.

The state of our human life, is dire, and on

the edge, and we are barely real. The only

game in town and the only accomplishment

worth accomplishing, is attempting to

generate an all good full of life area out of

our present area, so that we will thereby

make it (our lives) more real. And the only

way to do that, is to live life at medium

level, not in suffering and barrenness trying

to produce something or live up to

something. So just realize that although

they may show us riches; that riches aren't

enough, and that in addition to riches,

freedom from all destruction is needed in

proportion to such richness; and that as

imperfect human life, medium level

environment is a must. And that any plan

requiring our, or any imperfect human life,

to suffer at barrenness is just a meaningless

exercise of the control psychology that is

trying to do something and accomplish

something totally worthless and which

actually hinders our attempt at, and is a

barrier that must be overcome, in achieving

the only game in town which is the

generation of an all good full of life area

from our present situation. Yes, you may

just have been delirious and starving from

experiencing the barrenness and low levels

of inferiority from the program of

expectations they have had you in, that the

fruits of this present system may look

palatable to be acceptable and rewarding to

you due to the operant conditioning

psychology ; when in fact, this present

situation is barely real, is dire, on the edge,

and is no real reward to waste your efforts


In order to lord it over the newbies that they

need to step in line and get with the

program, you have to show them a great

society and that if they will only do what is

expected of them, they too can participate

in the wondrous rewards that society

provides. But if the rewards you have,

really aren't that great, and the society and

way of doing things, really isn't that great;

then you can still get them to accept what

little reward you have, by starving them

before hand by putting them in bareness;

and then what little you have will suffice as

an acceptable reward. But just because you

have manipulated someone's mind, doesn't

change the fact that what you have, isn't

that great, is dire, and is barely real.

Because riches without separation from

destruction and destructiveness, are short

lived. And if you use destruction and

destructiveness to generate the barren

environments to starve the newbies and the

resisters in your system, then your system

really hasn't become free of destruction and

destructiveness, has it? Advice to those

under overwhelming destruction:

temporarily turn the small good you have

bad, and burn all the destruction and

destructiveness down.

Now, when we do a human hunger in a

cycling mode, we can either cycle it

piecemeal; or all at once. The reason we do

cycling in the first place, is to allow each

component of a thing to have itself

emphasized without the constraints of the

other components so much. So this is a

reason to cycle the sequential components

of a hunger satisfaction as opposed to

cycling the entire hunger satisfaction at


And when we are cycling sequential

components of a hunger satisfaction, our

desires get in the way. You see, each

component contributes its own production,

but also consumes its own specific

supplies. As a whole, there is a balance

where each component produces what

another component needs. So if one

stays too long in any one component,

overproduction of that component occurs

and also shortage of the supplies it uses

also occurs. So that as one does any one

component, ones desire for it (based on

shortages and supplies) is soon met; and as

one continues producing this one

component, one no longer feels it filling

any need or satisfying any desire.

These needs and desires are then based

on the whole hunger satisfaction as a

whole; which can be represented by the

constant medium doing of that hunger

satisfaction. But since we are trying to

express each component as not hindered by

the other components with a cycling mode;

this does not fit. So that when one does a

component to the point one feels satisfied

with that component; that represents the

constant medium level. One should go

beyond that and do that component beyond

the satisfaction of their desire for that

component, in order to facilitate the

excesses that are needed to perform a

cycling mode. So one doesn't do a

sequential component forever, but does

do that component past the satisfaction of

their desire for that component so as to

facilitate a cycling mode, over a constant

medium level mode. Xx

Let me interject here, that before we start

dividing ourselves into different entities (ie,

such as a shepherding entity, and a human

hunger satisfying entity, and high part

wanna be entity, etc; that our first priority

as imperfect human life, is to be at medium

level. And if dividing ourselves into all

these entities is beyond our abilities, and

puts us low, below medium level, to do so;

then we should not do so, but should just

live life simply as one imperfect human life

entity, and allow that to generate a high

part representation naturally; which then is

the start of these different entities. Just

realize that if one is in the low position of

imperfect human life entity, that they

should not expend conscious effort to

generate these other entities, but to just

ruminate as themselves as a whole single

entity at medium level, and let these other

entities generate naturally, without any

extra (conscious) effort. -Because extra

effort on the part of this human entity

would put it down from medium and into

low, and would prevent its forces from

separating and prevent it from generating

these extra entities. Keep this in mind

when reading further and do this and not

what I suggest.
End insert.
Now, even though we are mortal, we can

still do a loose 3 d sorting. We start by

dividing ourself into a higher ability

shepherd or sogp or jesus representation

type entity that will watch over and protect

our human hunger satisfying type entity; vs

the hunger satisfying type entity itself. The

hunger satisfying type entity that we divide

into, we set lower, at medium ability

because that's what is needed in the

imperfect, human, hunger satisfying

environment. Note that this is one degree of

separation, that we do non destructively

unto ourselves so the hunger satisfying part

of us does not reside in the same place or

mind as our higher part which shepherds

over that hunger satisfying part, but which

is not involved in any hunger satisfying

actions itself. The shepherding entity does

act to make some separation between itself

and active hunger satisfying parts.

(The shepherding entity also acts to remove

from off the hunger satisfying entity, any

all-destructive parts which might condemn

or attack that human part, and puts them

into an all-destructive pile which is

separate from the rest.) (Note that the

shepherding action of casting off all

destructive attacks (into the all destructive

pile), tends to be cycling about medium

high level as opposed to being at a constant

medium high level, because the nature of

casting off evil is that once it is done, it no

longer needs to be done because the evil

self consumes, boxes itself in, and no

longer needs attention.)
Out of place insert:
On the religious message boards, I caught a

piece of a conversation where one person

commented about his opinion of Christ not

accepting a person even if they asked for

Him; apparently that this person was that

bad that Christ would not accept him even

if he asked for Christ to accept him.

And my response to this line of thinking is

that we are all humans, who have sin and

imperfection, so that there is some bad in

all of us. And how that 'badness' or

evil/destruction is dealt with, is by Christ

taking us in (and putting us at extreme

medium level in all areas, where the good

and bad separate out). So that the act of

Christ taking us in, is the way Christ

processes us to remove the evils/badness

that is part of all of us as humans. There is

no badness of ours that escapes this

processing or that is spared being removed

from us and fed into hell fire. So that to

say Christ refuses any human is to say that

Christ spares a badness. And I don't

think Christ makes any exception for any

badness, but processes it all and removes

all good from it. If a person were all

evil/destructive with no good whatsoever in

them, then in this case, there would be no

need to process this person through Jesus.

But then, this person would no longer be

classified as a human, because humans

have some good and also some bad as their

definition. But to be able to attain the state

of being all destructive with no good, I

would say is nearly impossible, just as it is

nearly impossible for a human to attain the

state of being all good. As anything that is

all evil/destructive has a problem of self

consuming right there on the spot without

massive feeding on other good or human

Also, to hear some man tell me what Christ

has decided, is not the same as Christ

himself telling me what he has decided

through his holy spirit. Christ is sitting at

the right hand of God, away from this

human earth, and communicates with us

through his holy, I repeat, holy, spirit. This

man isn't sitting at the right hand of God,

but is instead, still on this earth,

communicating with me through the

internet. It is not the same.

And you can apply the same about my

communications of what I think Christ is

like, and also seek what Christ says through

his Holy spirit. I do not claim to speak on

Christ's behalf, but only speak to you as

another human, in the human realm where I

speculate how Christ will act.

So that this idea about Christ not accepting

someone who called on him in their lowest

levels; when this brings me as low, I also

give this part of my life of me thinking this

thought, to Christ. By my act to give this

to Christ, it also becomes no longer a part

of my human area that I believe has not yet

joined Christ. What Christ actually does

with this is up to Christ and is no longer

my concern. But what I do know, is that it

is no longer a part of my life in my human

arena, and no longer brings me down below

medium level. And that is a good thing.

Now of course, this person has touched

upon the greater truth of what I believe to

be where Jesus refuses to completely join

all of us Christians who are alive, but not

yet in dire enough straits; leaving us alive,

as we are, still asking to be completely

joined, but refused by Him; for our own

good; whereby Christ's will, and not our

will, is done here on earth (as it is in

End out of place insert.

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The hunger satisfying part of us, we set at

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