As Received . Dear Sir, Good day! Just checking to see if you are still around as Jeddah Storm water Drainage Program (JSDP) is a Saudi Aramco – supervised government project. The following positions are : Position | Required | Salary Range (SAR) | | CIVIL INSPECTOR | 200 | 7,000-8,000 | | CONSTRUCTION MANAGER | 20 | 40,000-45,000 | | CONSTRUCTIONS SUPERVISOR | 50 | 20,000-25,000 | | COST ENGINEER | 70 | 10,000-12,000 | | DOCUMENT CONTROLLER | 20 | 5,000 | | DOCUMENT CONTROLLER SUPERVISOR | 10 | 8,000 – 10,000 | | ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR | 20 | 7,000-8,000 | | MECHANICAL INSPECTOR | 20 | 7,000-8,000 | | PLANNER / SCHEDULER | 10 | 13,000-15,000 | | PROJECT ENGINEER | 100 | 15,000-18,750 | | PROJECT MANAGER | 20 | 40,000-45,000 | | QA/QC ENGINEER | 80 | 20,000-25,000 | | QUANTITY SURVEYOR | 60 | 15,000-20,000 | | SAFETY OFFICER | 80 | 13,000-15,000 | | | | | | | | | | JEDDAH STORMWATER DRAINAGE PROGRAM ( JSDP) PROJECT SAUDI ARAMCO | Jeddah-the gateway to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia-is emerging as one of the world's most important cities. Over the last decade, Jeddah has made remarkable strides in constructing the urban infrastructure required to meet the city's obligations as a World-class city. Like other great cities, a significant investment in the planning, engineering, and construction of sustainable infrastructure is crucial to the safety of all citizens and long-term growth. A critical component of these improvements is the upgrading and modernization of the area's flood control, storm drainage, and sanitary sewerage systems. The advancement of these infrastructure components will reduce major flooding damages, eliminate sewerage back-ups, mitigate nuisance flooding and help control odor problems. Creating a top-notch infrastructure will help create an environmentally sound city without living in fear of future flooding or wastewater problems. Important Note: 1. If you are interested and feel you are qualified for the position that we are looking for, please send updated RESUME and specify STORM WATER DRAINAGE experience on your RESUME. 2. Please indicate on the Email SUBJECT – (Position Applied For) - AECOM. 3. You can refer your friends 4. STRICTLY 5 YEARS EXPERIENCE. ABSOLUTELY NO AGENCY PLACEMENT AND PROCESSING FEES Thanks & Best Regards, Offices & Contacts Jeddah - Sultan Center Bldg., Madinah Road
Level 3, Suite 302, PO Box 15362, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Tel: 966 2 653 1902 phone Email: Best Regards, Kashef Javed +971 55 3458096
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