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[sociology_today] [FQS] FQS 12(2) online
Dear All,
I would like to inform you that FQS 12(2) -- "Biography and Politics"
edited by Michaela Koettig, Christine Mueller-Botsch & Martina Schiebel
-- is available online (see
http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/issue/archive for
former issues). In addition to articles relating to "Biography and
Politics", FQS 12(2) provides a number of selected single contributions
(f.e. on race research and photographic portraits), as well as articles
belonging to various FQS Debates (Ethnography of the Career Politics,
Quality of Qualitative Research, Ethics, and Teaching and Learning
Qualitative Methods) and FQS Reviews.
A) FQS 12(2)
B) Conferences and Workshops
C) Links
D) Open Access News
Enjoy reading!
Katja Mruck
Ps: FQS is an open-access journal, so all articles are available free of
charge (see http://open-access.net/de_en/homepage/ for additional
information about open access). This newsletter is sent to 14,349
registered readers; registered readers can comment on each article online.
A) FQS 12(2) "Biography and Politics"
Michaela Koettig, Christine Mueller-Botsch & Martina Schiebel (Germany):
Biography and Politics: Academic Concepts and Empirical Encounters.
Introductory Reflections on the Special Issue
Andrea Neugebauer (Germany): "I Will Never Become a Soldier for You!":
The Relevance of Biographical Learning for Political Action
Dirk Michel-Schertges (Denmark): Open and Closed Biographical Politicization
Martina Schiebel (Germany): Discursive and Biographical Construction of
Political Enemies: Communists in the early Federal Republic of Germany
http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1102271 (will follow soon)
Gisela Notz (Germany): Female Social Democrats on the Parliamentary Council
Judith Michel (Germany): The Effect of Early Political Opinion and the
Political Positions on Willy Brandt's Policy towards America
Max Reinhardt (Germany): Lives and Political Field. An Analysis of the
Power Structure of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
Rita Horvay (Germany): Political Detainment in the German Democratic
Republic: Public Discourse and Personal Memory
Alexander Leistner (Germany): The Impact of Key Figures on the Formation
and Stabilization of Social Movements: The Independent Peace Movement in
East Germany
Ingrid Thea Miethe (Germany): Politics, Education and Biography: The
Connection between Political Opportunity Structures and Individual
Educational Advancement
Carsten Heinze (Germany): "The Private Is Becoming
Political"—Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Autobiographical Writing in
the Horizon of the Culture of Remembering and Contemporary History
--> Single Contributions
Franz Breuer (Germany): Predecessor-Successor-Transitions in
Institutional and Interpersonal Contexts. On the Development of a Theory
of Transfer of Personal Objects
Clara Victoria Giraldo & Grey Yuliet Ceballos (Colombia): Getting Used
to Barriers: A Qualitative Study of Colombian Health Care System
Barriers to Timely Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer
Lauren Mizock, Debra Harkins & Renee Morant (USA): Researcher
Interjecting in Qualitative Race Research
Denise Ann Narcisse (USA): Risky Undertakings: The Employment
Decision-Making of Women Lawyers and Accountants
Brian Roberts (UK): Photographic Portraits: Narrative and Memory
Brian Roberts (UK): Interpreting Photographic Portraits: Autobiography,
Time Perspectives, and Two School Photographs
Jeffery Yen & Romin W. Tafarodi (Canada): Becoming Scientific:
Objectivity, Identity, and Relevance as Experienced by Graduate Students
in Psychology
--> FQS Debate: Ethnography of the Career Politics
Franz Breuer (Germany): "The Other Talks Back": On the Reactions of
Research Participants to Their Re/presentations in the Data of the
Social Sciences
FQS Debate: Quality of Qualitative Research
--> FQS Debate: Quality of Qualitative Research
Edith Enzenhofer & Katharina Resch (Austria): Translation Processes and
Quality Assurance in Qualitative Social Research
--> FQS Debate: Qualitative Research and Ethics
Christina Siry (Luxembourg), Carolyne Ali Khan & Mark Zuss (USA):
Cultures in the Making: An Examination of the Ethical and Methodological
Implications of Collaborative Research
--> FQS Debate: Teaching and Learning Qualitative Methods
Bettina Koenig & Claudia Kummer (Austria): Teaching Qualitative Market
Research: Multi-Perspectival Evaluation of a Curriculum Innovation
--> FQS Reviews
Doerte Bernhard (Sweden): Review: Petia Genkova & Andrea E. Abele (Eds.)
(2008). Lernen und Entwicklung im globalen Kontext. "Heimliche
Lehrplaene" und Basiskompetenzen [Learning and Development in a Global
Context. Hidden Curriculum and Base Competencies]
Dina El-Najjar (Austria): Review: Irena Medjedović & Andreas Witzel
(2010). Wiederverwendung qualitativer Daten. Archivierung und
Sekundaernutzung qualitativer Interviewtranskripte [Reusing Qualitative
Data. Archiving and Secondary Use of Qualitative Interview Transcripts]
Gerhard Jost (Austria): Review: Julia Ahrens (2009). Going Online, Doing
Gender. Alltagspraktiken rund um das Internet in Deutschland und
Australien [Going Online, Doing Gender. Everyday Practices around the
Internet in Germany and Australia]
Diana Schmidt-Pfister (Germany): Review: Ralf Bohnsack, Aglaja
Przyborski & Burkhard Schaeffer (Eds.) (2010). Das
Gruppendiskussionsverfahren in der Forschungspraxis [The Group
Discussion Technique in Research Practice]
Andrea Smioski (Austria): Review: Stefanie Grosse (2008). Lebensbrueche
als Chance? Lern- und Bildungsprozesse im Umgang mit kritischen
Lebensereignissen [Critical Life Events as Opportunities? Educational
and Learning Processes in Dealing with Critical Life Events]
23-25 June, Seoul, Korea
1st Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research 2011
9.-10. Juni, Montpellier University, France
Recherches Qualitatives 2011. 3ème colloque international francophone
sur les méthodes qualitatives "Du singulier à l'universel"
3-5 August, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Grounded Theory Jamboree VI: "Uncorking (Classical) Grounded Theory"
1-2 September, Locarno, Switzerland
4th European Conference on Computer-Aided Qualitative Research 2011
The various free access virtual libraries developed by the Edelstein
Center for Social Research or in collaboration with other institutions
now have a unified Portal
May Issue of the SPARC Open Access Newsletter
The Open Access Policy kit
New Spanish language version of the RoMEO database
22-24 June, Geneva
OAI7, the 7th Cern Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication
30 June -1 July, Berlin, Germany
Open Knowledge Conference -- OKCon 2011
26-28 September, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Third International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference "Building and
Sustaining Alternative Scholarly Publishing Projects Around the World"
9-10 November, Washington DC, USA
Berlin 9 Open Access Conference:
5-6 December, Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA
GL13 Conference "Grey Circuit -- From Social Networking to Wealth Creation"
Directory of Open Access Journals
CyberOrient. Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East, 5(1)
Ethnopolitics, 10(2)
First Monday, 16(5)
Historical Studies in Education
Journal of Aesthetics & Culture
Mother Pelican -- A Journal of Sustainable Human Development
Qualitative Sociology Review, VII(1)
Recherches Qualitatives
ScieCom Info, 7(1)
Semantic Web Journal
The Qualitative Report, 16(3)
FQS -- Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung
/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627)
English / German / Spanish
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[peshawar_University] War Against ISI, Pakistan [1 Attachment]
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Read the following article. Support Pakistan and people of Pakistan. CIA's War Against ISI, Pakistan PSYOPS are one of CIA's oldest weapons. And ISI is its latest target. The goal? Encouraging defections and rebellion and reducing morale inside armed forces and the Pakistani nation. The message? Do America's bidding in the region or else. DR. FARRUKH SALEEM | Sunday | 22 May 2011 | The News International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha and the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate that he commands are under an asymmetric attack of a unique kind. The Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI), the eyes and ears of the army, is in the midst of a 'war of the mind'. The weapon is one of the oldest in the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) stockpile. It is non-lethal but a definite combat multiplier. The weapon is all about 'sight and sound' and is dispersed either by the media, newspapers, magazines, diplomats, courts or by face-to-face interactions. The CIA executes psychological operations (PSYOP) through the agency's Special Activities Division (SAD) which in turn is a part of the National Clandestine Service. The US Army also conducts PSYOPs through the 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) which is a dedicated PSYOP unit. The US Navy has a special-purpose radio/television dedicated to psychological operations units. The US Air Force's 193rd Special Operations Wing uses a modified C-130 Hercules to provide an aerial platform for CIA's PSYOPs. During WWI, the US undertook PSYOPs through the Propaganda Sub-Section of the Military Intelligence Branch. In WWII, white propaganda was conducted by the Office of War Information and black propaganda by the Morale Operations Branch. During the Vietnam War the CIA-along with US Special Operations Forces-planned and executed the Phoenix Program. The CIA has also executed extensive PSYOPs in Korea, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Sweden and during the two Gulf Wars. The CIA's new target is the ISI. CIA has been carefully studying the ISI through defectors, intelligence reports and some native help. On or around May 3, a comprehensively reinforced Tactical PSYOP – targeting a specific enemy combat group – was launched in order to cajole, coax and impel the ISI into doing what the CIA considers are America's national objectives. The CIA's Tactical PSYOP is targeting to deplete ISI's esprit de corps by severely disrupting ISI's internal cohesion. CIA is bent upon three things: reducing morale, promoting dissension and inducing defections. Simultaneously, CIA's Strategic PSYOP is targeting the Pakistani population at large. The goal here is to fracture ISI's reputation within the Pakistani population and consequently to create a rift between the two – population and the ISI. The CIA's tools include demoralizing the target, instilling fear in-tandem with a diplomatic onslaught. Carriers of these tools include The New York Times, The Washington Post, International Herald Tribune, Voice of America, Senator John Kerry, Marc Grossman, Admiral Mike Mullen, Tahawwur Hussain's trial in Chicago, summoning of DG-ISI by a Brooklyn court, talk of 'stealth drones' and many others. The American military mind is not much concerned as to how the message is carried – or by whom – but the impact of the message on the targeted recipient. In 2010, Lt General Caldwell, Commander, Nato Training Mission in Afghanistan, ordered a PSYOP targeting visiting American senators and 4-star generals to influence them into sending additional troops. Under US law, PSYOP units are prohibited from undertaking "PSYOP missions on domestic audience." General Petraeus has now ordered an investigation into the alleged PSYOP against American senators. To be certain, Osama's elimination is purely tactical with little or no strategic value. America's strategy of an 'honorable exit' hasn't changed, before or after Osama's death, but the tactical advantage is now being used to bring ISI down to its knees. The eventual aim is to maneuver an ISI cave-in without having to fight for it. Sun Tzu, the greatest military strategist that ever lived, said: "To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence." Dr. Saleem is a columnist for The News International. Reach him at farrukh15[at]hotmail.comhttp://www.ahmedquraishi.com/2011/05/23/cia%E2%80%99s-war-against-isi-pakistan/ |
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