Monday, November 1, 2010

[sociology_today] Mother Pelican Journal of Sustainable Development


Mother Pelican is a journal on sustainable human development. It is
named in honor of the Human Being that "Mother Pelican" represents. The
journal is focusing on the influence of religion on gender equality and
sustainable development. The November 2010 issue has been posted:

What is the Root Cause of Unsustainable Development?

1. Editorial Opinion ~ The Root Cause of Unsustainable Development
2. The Economics of Natality, by Ina Praetorius
3. The Case for Working with our Cultural Values, by Tom Crompton
4. The First Woman Priest, by José Ignacio González Faus
5. Reducing Inequality: The Missing MDG, by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
6. The Values of Everything, by George Monbiot
7. Reflections on Paying Living Wages, by Rita M. Rodriguez
8. Ecological Perspectives on Business Decision-Making, by Ilia Delio
9. Adam and Eve and the Gender Divide, by John R. Coates

1. Advances in Sustainable Development
2. Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
3. Sustainable Development Simulation (SDSIM) Version 1.2

Please forward to friends and associates who might be interested.
Submission of research papers at the intersection of sustainable
development and gender equality is cordially invited.


Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
The Pelican Web (
Editor, Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Development
A monthly, CC license, free subscription, open access e-journal

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